Thursday, April 28, 2011

Baby's Day Out

Wednesdays are Mama/Henry days. I made this short little video so that someday he can look back and see all of the fun we had on our special days. So come with us to Henry's 15 month check up, watch him go down for his nap, eat snacks off the floor, munch some dinner, take a bath, and go to bed.

Being a parent is the most fun I've ever had and I love wednesdays with Henry.

Song: Bowl of Oranges by Bright Eyes. We play this in the car and as it ends Henry frantically says, "More?! More?! More?!" I thought it was only fitting to use his current fave for this video!

* does anyone know why the timing is off on all of my videos? i use windows movie maker and every time i save a movie it ruins the clip/song line up. it's very frustrating!

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