Friday, April 29, 2011

H Dub Stylz: Fresh Prince Edition

One of the awesome things about being a parent is you can dress your kid however you'd like and for the longest time they can't say squat. Hand me downs rule and thrifting has never been so much fun. Today taking some style tips from the Fresh Prince himself, Henry:

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Yo homes, smell ya later.

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Baby's Day Out

Wednesdays are Mama/Henry days. I made this short little video so that someday he can look back and see all of the fun we had on our special days. So come with us to Henry's 15 month check up, watch him go down for his nap, eat snacks off the floor, munch some dinner, take a bath, and go to bed.

Being a parent is the most fun I've ever had and I love wednesdays with Henry.

Song: Bowl of Oranges by Bright Eyes. We play this in the car and as it ends Henry frantically says, "More?! More?! More?!" I thought it was only fitting to use his current fave for this video!

* does anyone know why the timing is off on all of my videos? i use windows movie maker and every time i save a movie it ruins the clip/song line up. it's very frustrating!

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Earth Day Festival


This weekend we met Garrison downtown for Savannah's Earth Day Festiva and the Farmer's Marketl. It was so fun watching Henry bark at all of the dogs, wave/screech at random people, and shake his booty to the bands. We had a picnic in the park and BBQ + beer with some bike friends for dinner. I think I like this city most in the Spring. We had a really great time.





my parents made me come here

taste testing my avocado and burnt cheese sandwich (he was not a fan)

he thought the chocolate cookies were pretty bomb though

this picture makes me sad, he just looks so OLD!

again oh my poor, poor heart!

babies make people happy

mama,baby. notice how he is only sitting in like, three photos in this entire set?

G gettin his volunteer on. hollla!

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creepy can/we're raising him to think this is what a "carnival ride" is

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15 months 002
wrist band for baby henry too!

15 months 001
but even with the band, all he got to drink was apple juice.

henry says, "hydrate!"


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Thanks to everyone who has been voting for us! We've also been nominated for a spot on the Circle of Mom's Top 25 Baby Journals page. You can vote for us once a day until May 16th by clicking the purple button on the right and giving us a thumbs up. Help us make the cut! Thanks!Align Center

Monday, April 25, 2011

Beach Easter

We didn't make a huge deal about Easter this year. In fact we didn't make any deal of it at all. I figure (1) Henry is totally oblivious (2) We have no family here and (3) we buy him enough useless crap from Target on a regular basis, the last thing he needs is a giant basket full of more.

We did drive to the beach with our friends and spent three full hours getting sunburnt and playing in the Atlantic ocean. Henry may not know what's up with the Easter Bunny but he totally gets how awesome the beach is.

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Friday, April 22, 2011

Bad Boyz

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Happy Earth Day, Earth. Can you handle this?

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

one for jess IROCKSOWHAT ;)

Align Center

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eating a "muppin", watchin some gabs

Have you guys ever looked at your child's pupils up close while they're watching a show? They dilate wide then shrink with every sound and movement...what's going on in their head? I suggest trying it if you haven't, it's pretty nuts looking.

will you please take a second and give us a vote? thanks guys!
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