Tuesday, March 1, 2011

pictures from a lunch date

....and that one time G came th---is close to finally getting his puppy (don't ask. it's a touchy subject here).

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  1. Such pretty pictures! Henry is getting so big. OK, really, what happened with the pup?

  2. mandy: thanks! yours too!

    heidi: it was a shepherd/retriever mix so it would have been HUGE. but also, fb-ing you about this tomorrow because there's so much more to the story. oooooh, so much more. ;)

  3. poor garrison. get him a damn dog please.

  4. aww a puppy? well lunch was a hit... yum potato chips.

  5. Love that backdrop with the vintage signs. I wish we had places like that in our area to have a lunch date :)

  6. you guys should seriously get a long haired dachshund! they are the absolute best.
    and the cutest.
    they're super sweet and loving!

  7. Love the flowers. Looks like a wonderful day! =)) The pic of you and Henry is adorable! Frame it!!! Its so precious.

  8. Beautiful photos sweet lady :) Lovely blog!
