Saturday, March 26, 2011

F21 Hates Me

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I don't even remember how it feels to be able to browse through clothes leisurely. Now I'm that annoying customer with the over sized stroller, frantically grabbing everything off of the racks (Henry will die if I make more than one trip to the dressing room!), leaving behind a trail of goldfish crackers and apologizing to everyone who has to pick up a bottle or the Clifford book that Henry chucked out of his stroller in anger. And after I've handed back everything that I didn't have time to try on, I leave with only a skirt. Babies = best budget saver ever!


  1. OH YOU ARE NOT KIDDING! I LOVE when hubby watches him and I get to run in target or something. haha Motherhood is awesome.

  2. I love that dress on you, Allie! and I see Henry chucked his bottle on the floor too. So funny!

  3. haha, i always laugh when i am in a situation like that.. what can i really do about it?.. im the crazy lady talking in the dressing room to no one responding.. aka oliver drinking a bottle. saying "oh baby" when people walk past, i hope it gives them an ego boost ha

  4. Did you get that dress? I love it. I just did the unthinkable last week... bought clothes without trying them on.

  5. Ha ha I totally know how you feel. I drag Bennett with me everywhere. He does pretty good, but sometimes he can be really fussy - and in those cases it's probably best... it really does save money! :)
    Cute dress!!!

  6. I know how you feel! Except now instead of the huge awkward stroller & crying baby I have a running/hiding 3 year old who likes to yell...yea, it's so fun shoppin' with kids! ;)

  7. I learned a new shopping habit....
    no more trying on things. Just pick and buy. Try em on when you get home and 'model' your picks for your husband. Most likely he'll let you keep the whole lot...especially if a sexy bra is involved!! :)

  8. hahaha i went through the same exact thing this weekend! never realized how awful shopping would become. i've saved a lot of money since having josiah!

  9. they don't hate you.....yet. just wait until henry is running through the racks and pulling down clothes. :-/

  10. you just described my life. HENRY HATES SHOPPING! (my henry i mean lol) everytime we go into f21 he makes such a scene. ugh. that dress is super cute tho!

  11. Too funny! I have this SAME battle with F21 every time my Miles and I hit the mall. It's always a huge internal struggle..."Is it worth it?... Will I find something?... Maybe the perfect cardigan is just waiting for me to power thru to bring it home...Ok, lets do it!"

    hat store is SO not designed for mommies :0) Still love em anyway tho.

    Adorable blog btw! Found you thru She Breathes Deeply. I really enjoyed your post there!

  12. That dress is adorable! Thanks again for guest blogging for me! I posted it today. :)

  13. I read your guest post @ She breathes deeply and followed her link to your blog and I love it. Your son is so precious!

  14. omg allie i dont even try to take corbin shopping anymore. its only solo shopping trips for me nowadays for this exact reason. you wrote it so perfectly!

  15. oh and i MUST add anytime i let him out of the stoller no matter how many snacks i have out or toys, he ALWAYS crawls out under the door. its impossible! haha

  16. that dress is sooo cute on you allie! i hope you got it ;)

  17. Ha! I know exactly what you mean- I went to DSW with Niall to return a pair of shoes, thinking we'd be in and out... but the clerk convinced me to pick out another pair of shoes to exchange and get a discount (can't argue that). I was frantically looking for any pair of shoes that would look somewhat cute, as Niall ran along the aisles, knocking all the shoe boxes over. What a nightmare!

  18. i have to agree, all shopping must be done quickly while daddy or the babysitter are at home!

  19. ugh, I know. I finally got to have some alone shopping time on saturday. It was like getting a massage.
