Thursday, February 3, 2011

Trying Something New

Today is the day I change things around.

I'm attempting to accept the chaos and ignore the messes. I'm taking the kids on that walk I've been promising and biting my tongue when Henry drops his juice cup for the fifty millionth time (on my foot). I'm not letting myself get worked up when Henry misses a nap or dips his hand in the dog's water because in the long run, what does it really matter?

All this stressful noise is running me down and I'm learning that days are much easier if you pick your battles and semi-don't give a crap about the little things.

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  1. Completely agree with everything you just said. Everything.

  2. So very true! Thanks for making me think and smile!!

  3. It's good to just accept the chaos and to stop worrying about everything. It took me a long,LONG time to realize that! If I ran around cleaning, worrying, and freaking out about everything Lex does I would be sitting in a corner rocking back & fourth in a puddle of tears haha but instead I learn to just RELAX and enjoy my life and most importantly enjoy my baby because he won't be a baby for ever.

  4. really good! i needed to be reminded of that today. :) thanks!

  5. i think i needed to write this feeling down so that i feel more accountable for my actions :) it's definitely easier said than done, babies are too stressful sometimes!

    i just need to get better at letting some things go because whoa. my mind is too LOUD and i'm getting tired of it.

  6. Mason does the water bowl thing to, drives me nuts! I put a gate in front of it now when he's in the kitchen with me!

    I'm also getting one of this asap for when it gets a little warmer M loves playing in it so I figure I'll catch some sun and he can play with that!

  7. Love this post, sounds like a great plan! :)

  8. Love this! it's so true too! great pics as well!!!!

  9. easy to say hard to do, I might take a leaf out of your book and try this myself. Love the shots of you and H.

  10. I am trying to get more on board with the laid back mom thing, but I'm so bad at it. We eat lunch, take naps, and play at the same time every day.

    I did force myself to do a walk with Niall today, but there was so much snow and it was so cold, we turned around after about 10 minutes :(

  11. Allie, you are so on the right track. You're going to let your third baby drink the dog's water, trust me. Live in the moment and enjoy it fiercely and flip the bird at all the rest of it. LOVE you!

  12. great reminder... we all need to let the little things go. What cuteness!

  13. Well, said allie.
    BTW, i love the pictures... that boy clearly loves you!

  14. Kriznizzel is right...hard to do, but life is so much better when you resign yourself to the fact that shit is a, all the time. Just go with it Mama, I think we all go through this patch. Hugs and sunshine!

  15. I too stress over the little things, even though I would probably be happier if I didn't. Good luck!
