Saturday, February 5, 2011

saturday morning, 8 am.

Warm baby on my chest.
Henry snuggles.
Listening to the rainstorm and a squeaky bottle.
Waiting for Garrison to wake up so we can all eat eggs and watch cartoons together.
I love this day.

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  1. awwww! you guys look so cute and snuggly. those are my favorite mornings!

  2. What a sweet post! Baby Henry is quite possibly the cutest little boy ever. As far as my camera. I've just got the Canon XS. It's like the lowest Rebel they have, but it's way more then I know what to do with, so it works for me! :)

  3. so adorable I miss mornings like that!

  4. what a perfect morning! i cannot wait to have those moments with my sweet baby.

  5. so adorable! I'm a little jealous because Charlie is not much of a snuggler anymore. : (

  6. Such a darling photo of you two; really one to cherish I think.

  7. sounds great! i love weekend mornings too.
