Saturday, February 12, 2011

Our Saturday in Pictures

Today was awesome! We took Henry to the Humane Society so Garrison could daydream about owning a puppy and then we went to the thrift store so I could daydream about owning more useless crap that I don't really need.

Searching for a good romance novel

Hey Paige, I finally found a baby record player! $4.50 what!

And a few vintage Golden Books too.

look daddy, bunz is wavin'!

sometimes we give henry an adult sized pile of whip cream for dessert

At the end of our day Garrison cooked dinner for us! Ginger-orange Alaskan salmon, wild rice, and spinach salad!

Watching Election after we put Henry in bed.


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  1. This is stellar!

    Haha, and that salmon looks a little burnt.

    Your life looks happy and nice.
    I like it. :)

  2. thanks dori! i totally looks burnt but i swear it wasn't! he cooked it on our foreman and the marinade crusted around the salmon. yummmmm :)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. hahahaha....

    that bunz is waving picture totally had me cracking up!

  5. just as a warning... about a year ago we went to an adoption day through the humane society one saturday so that i could dream about owning a puppy one day... and i left with a puppy!! :)

    that salmon looks GOOOOOD!

    i voted again... even though i don't remember if my last vote was today or yesterday so i hope it counted

  6. You guys are absolutely adorable! Love this post, Allie!

  7. That record player is dope! haha I loved this post!

    I live in Boise, ID. I was born in Seattle, though, and love it there! But, the Oregon Coast is easier to travel to for some reason so we go there a lot.

    We plan on moving to Seattle in a couple years and my sister lived in Tacoma for awhile!

  8. That record player looks way legit :)

  9. I'll take seconds on the salmon. But you can hold the whip cream ;)

  10. i usually have it on the decemberists, iron and wine, or my morning jacket radio. :)

  11. OMG! You found it!!!!
    This day looks so nice. Man, i just love yo guys to death.

  12. yumm made me hungry! great thrift store finds!

  13. What a wonderful sat!
    Theres nothing wrong with dreaming.
    I go to stores and stuff all the time dreaming about what I want :)

  14. we love little golden books. score!!

  15. That salmon looks so good! My husband and I love salmon but it always comes out tough / not tasty at all. Can you offer how-to instructions for cooking good salmon? Your blog is beautiful!

  16. the photos of the cat on the couch, hahahaha!

    and wow, that record player was a great find! i'm jealous. <3

  17. Have I mentioned that we would be best friends? haha
    Beau's favorite thing ever is whipped cream. For his 20th birthday his dad got him a 6 pack of whipped cream. Seriously.
    We just would be ok?

  18. Oh how great! I love the picture of your son in front of all the books. BEAUTIFUL.
