Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lovey Love Love

I know it's hella blurry but this picture is probably my new favorite. Henry is trying to give me a kiss and right after I snapped this he wrapped his chubby arm around my next and squeezed me a hug. MELTING.

This morning we ate banana-chocolate cake on the porch and soon we're going to make some avocado sandwiches and walk around the park. It's already 73 degrees and Henry woke up in an awesome mood. OMG today is a good, good day.

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  1. Hey, that's awesome.
    I want hugs and kisses too!!!

    I'm having a good day too.
    Although I have to go to work soon.. :(

  2. Wow.
    73 degrees?
    I'm still waiting for the snow on the ground to melt.
    It's starting to make me mad.

  3. Unsolicited hugs from chubby baby arms are soooo good they need their own holiday. Also, I will be on the next plane out, please save me some sammich and some weather. Thank you.

  4. 73 was our high today too! where do you live? i am SO excited about warmer weather!

  5. i think its my new fav picture of yours too

  6. That is an ADORABLE picture!!

    And I just about died of jealousy. Babies who wake up in good moods AND 73 degrees?!!? Oh, you have it good, soooo good! LOL

  7. what a sweet photo.

    I love love love it!

  8. He looks so small on the couch! HAHA

  9. weirdest compliment ever:

    i feel like your eyes always look like you've just been crying, and i think it's really pretty...?
    i know i'm weird...haha. BUUUT. i just had to tell you! :)

  10. That is a beautiful photo. You both look so happy.
