Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Kidd Kraddick in the Morning

Why do I even waste my time listening to the radio on my drive to work? I don't know, maybe I'm bored with the same five CDs we own and the ones I do enjoy Henry has completely scratched in my desperate attempts to quiet him during a mid-ride meltdown. Maybe it's attempting to add some change to this routine schedule my life revolves around. There's not too many channels to choose from around here and while NPR is interesting enough and oldies bring back memories of my awesome childhood, I'm bored with those too. SO sometimes my dial winds up on the Top 40 channel.

Anyway, the other morning I was drinking my coffee and listening to another annoying show: "Kidd Kraddick in the Morning". Have you guys heard of them before? Apparently their show is on other channels too, which is unfortunate because that means other people are listening to their horrible, uneducated conversations.

And this is why I'm writing this post: Last week they were talking about cancer patients and survivors in a way that literally made my stomach hurt. Kidd Kraddick said something along the lines of, "Chemo is the ultimate weight loss solution. I'm jealous of people who are going through chemo because they loose all their body fat without having to diet or spend hours at the gym."

WAIT. WHAT? ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? Kidd Kraddick is heartless and stupid to boot.

So then, one of the women chimed in and said that's exactly what it's like when people get the flu. She bragged about girls coming up to her at a bar and asking her to give them her virus because damnnnn she looked good after loosing so much weight.

Is Kidd Kraddick really so vain he'd wish cancer upon himself and look forward to being incredibly sick for a few days? How can you feel good about yourself after verbally slapping cancer patients in the face? What is wrong with these people?


  1. i actually feel insulted by his comment and i didn't even hear it first hand! he obviously hasn't lost someone to cancer... and his is obviously a big, giant tool!

  2. some people are so incredibly stupid. let's hope he doesn't ever procreate. i cannot believe he actually said that. what an ignorant fool. i wish i could send you my sirius radio, then you'd never have to turn on your radio again. maybe i will, for your next birthday :)

  3. wow. I think he's been on the radio for awhile, I recognize his name and I haven't listened to morning radio in like, 5 years. Sounds like an ass. I'll keep in mind to not listen to him.

  4. I am so glad that you find their comments as ridiculous and egotistical and I do. As someone with an hour long drive to work, I am desperate to find a morning radio show that entertains me and I have had to turn them off more times then not because of similar instances where one would think they put their foot in their mouth, but no, the world seems to eat up what they say so it never changes.

  5. Agreed, that's really insensitive & more than crosses the line. Oh well, he won't make anymore remarks like that...
