Thursday, January 13, 2011

THIS is blowing my mind right now.

Is it really possible to grow from this:

To this:

In less than eight months? Holy crap DJ Lance, babies ARE awesome!

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  1. AAWWWW My Conner turned 11 months on the 11th! Awwe I love Henry. I am voting you to the top girl! LOL

  2. THANKS summer! you're awesome :) do you have a blog, btw? i keep clicking around on your twitter page but haven't been able to find anything. let me know if you do!

  3. Belated happy birthday henry I think!!! It's Thursday here!!

    Wow, what are you feeding him allie??? :) so cute!!! Xxx

  4. Ha! Just realised i'm 6 days early on the happy birthday wishes! Oops, I thought i'd missed it :)

    I'm blaming a 12 hour shift for the airhead moment, do I get bonus points for being the first? ;)

    Nearly four years post birth and trust me, brain doesn't get any better!

  5. haha! and he still hates being held like that!

  6. oh my! how much he has grown... your baby is becoming a little boy now allie

  7. He is so beautiful...and I can't believe how much older he looks! Time goes by far too fast for my liking!

    I love our Henrys <3

  8. cutie pie! I love how the distance between your hands is more too, you can see how he's grown!
