Friday, January 28, 2011

songs we love 11/50 and ok, today can END NOW.

This picture stresses me out. I'm also laughing because it reminds me of that last scene in Requiem for a Dream.

It's totally been one of THOSE days. You know, the kind that starts off so awesome and turns nasty come lunch time? Like, you need 34793984938935 cups of coffee to wake up but at the same time they're making you too jittery to function? And one of those cups woke up your baby from his nap because the microwave is too loud? And the only thing you've had time to eat is an orange because it's impossible to make a sandwich with one hand and a screaming baby on your hip and your hungry so you're crying and the baby is crying louder and it's a freaking mess?? Yeah.

Henry must be getting really sick, it's the only thing I can think of because he isn't usually like this. Blahhhh.

Anyway, this song has been on repeat all day here. I know it's a little dramatic but hey. apparently "drama queen" is today's theme. I can't get enough of this Elton John-esque piano solo and I'm crushing on Ben Fold's voice. LOVE.

Landed by Ben Folds


  1. Ohhhh I can empathize with you right now. I've had an AWFUL morning. Bennett was up at 5am and has been a huge crab ever since!!! I had a total breakdown of my own and now he's FINALLY sleeping and I have a tiny break. I hope you get one soon, too!! You deserve it!!

  2. henry and bennett's moods match up way too often. also, their sleeping schedules too because hen just went down for a nap (finally). i hope the rest of your day goes better and that bennett sleeps through the night for you guys!

  3. poor guy! hugs to your day, i had one of those two days ago and i'm still recovering....bleck...!

  4. thanks darcy! i love that you can remember the exact number of days ago your crazy one was. i totally get that!

  5. Poor guy...and poor mom! Remember, he had his shots yesterday, right? Sometimes so many shots can overwhelm the system and make a little guy feel blah. You might want to ask your pediatrician about dividing up the shots next time so he isn't hit so hard all at one time. Hope everything gets better soon!

    p.s. How long are Henry's legs (from ankle to mid-thigh?) I want to make him a pair of longies for a belated birthday present. :)

  6. ben folds is good medicine for shitty days. sorry dude.

  7. Ben Folds is my second soul mate after Henry.
    I'm sorry today is so hard, so much love to you, Allie. You do such a great job with him.

  8. Ben Folds and Henry=Dreamboats.

  9. Oh those days are no fun!
    I have a 4 year old and a 2 1/2 year old and I still get days like these.
    Now, expecting baby #3 is stressing me out a little, but my son will be in Kindergarten so he won't be home 24/7 so that may help :)

  10. I have exciting news. It's tomorrow. I really hope that today goes better for you! I hope Henry feels better too! I'm sorry to hear that you had a rough day!

  11. Ben Folds is one of my favorite artists of all time. Our wedding song was "The Luckiest". Thanks for the recommendation! I'm a sucker for sappy, sad songs.
