Monday, January 31, 2011


Even in spite of yesterday's gross we had fun. Henry loves his newish bike trailer, which is awesome because I was positive he'd hate it more than anything. He's not a fan of feeling confined these days.

I haven't taken him to a playground in over a month and watching him yesterday I was again reminded how fast babies change. I mean, a month guys. That's not even that long and in that sliver of time he goes from barely crawling on the equipment to wanting nothing to do with me and everything to do with the stairs, the dirt, and the other children? Crazy.

Oh and hey. Thank you all so much for your comments and support regarding the BULLY. It's just so hard to determine what to do in a situation regarding a mom and her child. Like, you don't want to tell them how to raise their children but you're also dying just standing there watching something awful happen to a baby. The more I think about it, the more I feel like punching her in the face the better I feel about sticking up for the girl and I do hope that most of my readers are right in that maybe she will change the way she treats her poor daughter.

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  1. Great pictures! Henry is adorable! :o)

  2. Ok, I'm officially jealous you get to ride your bikes to the park. How fun!!! It is 34F here.

    And I also just read your post about the park bully, so glad you said something. Although I don't know if I would have been as brave.

  3. I love your park pictures! It looks like it was a perfect day, aside from the Bully. I'm still thinking about that woman. What a traumatic experience. I think I probably would have done the same thing you did, and thank goodness you said something! Ugh, it's just awful when bad people are responsible for the welfare of children. Hopefully she learned something, or was at least embarrassed enough that she won't do something like that again... fingers crossed for that one!

  4. Adore these pictures and adore you.

  5. I remember riding my bike next to the river here and seeing a family riding bikes with their kids and I was so excited to get to do that someday! Until I realized that once you have kids the only way you get to bike ride is with them...

    haha I think I'll enjoy it though once they're my kids. I'm glad you had fun! Gives me hope! =) Love Henry's helmet!

  6. Also! That picture of you on your bike is pretty badass. I don't know exactly what it is about it but it's super rad.

  7. Great pictures! I have a bunch of Park photos to post too!
    I love going to the park!

  8. love your pics! you are already getting bike rides, so lucky. We are so close. Still a little too slick, and chilly. have a great week!

  9. love him! A baby helmet? Melt my heart.

    I voted. xo

  10. Loving the trailer, what a fantastic and healthy way to get around!

    As ever your photos are wonderful. Sorry I missed your bully drama, but for the record, I'd have probably slapped her!! What an awful thing for her to do, it's abuse, no excuses.

    I hate some people in this world.

    Take care xx

  11. you guys are all so cute! i love going to the park with Lily. she is starting to be able to do all sorts of things all by herself. can't believe it!

  12. Absolutely stunning photography... just gorgeous! Pop on over to my blog for a peek when you get a chance

    Angela x
    Wicker & Stitch
    Mama & The Monkey

  13. love henrys socks! we have those too!

  14. that picture of you riding the bike is so adorable! and such a cool angle and stuff! ::rolls eyes at myself:: and looks at henrys little sweater and bike helmet! oh my goodness gracious!
    i love the slide shot too. did you see i had a similar one. like, we probably went to the park on the same day and everything. weeeiiiirrrd.

  15. LOVE these pictures! Henry is so seriously handsome, I can't even tell you. And a month, it seems like such a short time, right? But it's SO NOT! I know EXACTLY what you mean when you talk about how much changes in that short period of time. It's crazy!
