Monday, January 3, 2011

Meltdown City

Want to know why I've been so terrible at blogging lately? About a week ago, a whole new side of Henry made itself known:

Introducing: The Fit Thrower.

I didn't even know babies this young could have such extreme meltdowns and get so pissed over big kid stuff, like when a kid takes away his toys or a TOTALLY MEAN mom puts wires/pennies/old food/dog bones out of his reach. He's gone from being able to entertain himself pretty okay to needing constant attention. Baby Henry is growing up!

I think I took for granted the few short months when I could actually edit my photos, think about what I write before I post it here, and maybe even have enough time to pay a few bills over the phone or check my email. Now it's like every second I'm not by his side he's screaming at the top of his lungs or getting into something he knows he shouldn't touch.

I'm totally not complaining (okay, I kinda am)... I do love the fact that he wants me in his face as much as possible. I guess I just miss having a few free minutes here and there to get stuff done, you know?


This last picture breaks my heart. All of the others are total fake fits, but this one is genuine SAD. Poor Henry, sharing IS hard.

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  1. Aw. I'm sure things will change for the better sometime soon. I hope you find time to relax through all this. :) I know you'll be okay.

    Love your photos, Allie!

  2. aww that last one broke my heart too! he'll grow out of it darling, don't worry :)

  3. Ha ha! Ruari doesn't like to share either... they wouldn't work well together. :D

  4. Oh my gosh Allie, that last picture is too much. Makes me want to squeeze squeeze squeeze Baby Henry and smother him in kisses.

  5. sharing IS hard! The last picture kills me. He is so sweet. Even mid-meltdown!

  6. the last one is hilarious! he is working that pout! Hendrix has begun throwing fits too. its like the terrible twos only he is one!

  7. Aw, at least he's a cute tantrum thrower. Well, the photos are cute, I'm sure it's not amusing with sound. :)


  8. Oh my gosh. Bennett has been throwing flirts like this for like the last 2 months. Isn't is crazy??? Wait until you see the video I am putting up this week of Bennett at mealtime. Classic meltdown.

  9. Aww poor Henry! I hope its only a phase and he grows out of it soon.

    The Sweetest Life

  10. oh my gosh, i totally remember doing a post like this. it sucks. wanna know why? because it just gets worse!

  11. AW! sounds like someone is going through a growth spurt. Lily went through a little phase like that. it's over....for now. ;)
    happy new year!!

  12. ugh. grayson is only 6mo and he has these kind of "give me what i want right now" fits too! total meltdowns. it's amazing such little people can have such big attitudes! its slightly amusing.

    good luck!

  13. My Son, Jasper went throught the whole by-my-side-every-minute phase. I couldn't do ANYTHING, NOTHING! After about 3 days of it, I made a decision to let him cry it out...... I'm not saying thats easy because there were days when I had to give in, if not for anything but for my sanity that day. He FINALLY figured out that he was going to HAVE to entertain himself while Mommy did some house work. I hope it gets easier for you! I know its hard!!

  14. aww, poor hen! sharing DOES suck!

    he's a freaking CUTIE, though, even when he's bummed. (:


  15. Good luck with what's coming. I'm sure that, overall, you'll enjoy watching his personality develop.

  16. we are in the middle of this... I think I have grown a Siamese twin instead of a baby. oooh that last face makes me pout too.
