Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Henry's First Birthday

I really can't believe it's already been a year. Time totally speeds up when you have a baby, it's crazy. I'm in the process of getting his first party put together and holy overwhelming batman! Why'd I wait so long to even begin thinking about this? His birthday is next Wednesday and I have done nothing NOTHING but make his invites (pictured above). And they aren't even printed or sent out yet.

While I was still pregnant with Henry I'd daydream about his first birthday party. A lot. Like, I had a handful of themes set aside with decorations and homemade appetizers and awesome playlists all planned out perfectly in my head. HA! HA! HA! HA! HAAAA! Now that I actually have a baby, I'm realizing that these ideas were pretty unrealistic. I mean, I barely have time to pee these days let alone put together a picture perfect party that only we will remember.

So, for Henry's first birthday we're laying low. I still have a theme, but it's an easy cheater theme (nautical) and we're only inviting a small handful of friends (okay, everyone we know. but that's still a "small handful"...we need friendz! pathetic!) We'll have homemade cupcakes and some of Henry's favorite snacks and mayyybe some goody bags for the kids, if I feel like it. The amount of stress this has removed from my days makes the whole thing enjoyable and fun. And isn't that what a party is all about? Fun?


  1. You are so funny. And, I think we all go through that 'dream' phase as parents. You want everything to be absolutely perfect! Well, that is what I wanted, perfect. Everything was in place for Liam's first birthday - canopies, crepe paper, table cloths, balloons, plates were strategically placed, you name it. Well, little did I know Mother Nature had different plans for his birthday. A monsoon came rolling in and ruined everything. I even checked the weather. Plus, the cake lady botched the cakes. So, moral? We can't over plan anything because we will only set ourselves up for disappointment later. It sounds like you are already ahead of me at that stage, which I have to commend you on that. Still had a good time, though. And, he was one so he didn't care, right? I hope you guys have a great time and Happy (early) Birthday, Henry!


  2. omg, omg, omg, omg, omg! henry is going to be ONE!!! when did this even happen?!? his birthday will be perfect no matter how many decorations you make or where the balloons are placed! im so excited about this! i wish corbin and i could come!!!

  3. my son malcolm is turning three on the 30th, and i feel like you jumped inside of my head in this post. i feel exactly the same way! but don't fret, the small get-togethers are always way better than a big ol' mess of a party anyday! happy birthday to little henry! <3

  4. You just reminded me that I have to get my but in gear for Mason's birthday, he's the 30th. It does go by way too quick sad :(

  5. I think the party sounds perfect!! Happy Birthday little Henry!!

  6. I LOVE the invites! They are so adorable omg. Thanks for the nursing attire tips on my blog. I scoured my closet today and came up with some spaghetti strap tanks, and tomorrow I go plan to try out my courage bf in public! Have fun at the party, it will be so rad as long as you have one of those SMASH cakes for the wee one! ps i browsed through your archives of when henry was three months old like my little dax and i feel like totally the same way about almost everything's good to know that the stage he is in, that what i am feeling is shared by many...

  7. I started blogging/found you right after Henry was born. I really can't believe it has been a year! How cool that Asia and Henry are only 6 months apart?

    BTW, you are so funny! Something about the way you write always manages to make me laugh. "I barely have time to pee these days let alone put together a picture perfect party" LOL, I can SO relate.

    Hope his birthday turns out great, and you better post pictures!

  8. Allie, that is the cutest invitation EVER. I think your work is done. And why does it feel like I have been following your adventures for 10 years but Henry is just now turning one? Time is kicking my ass. Anyhoo, I so wish the girls and I could crash the babe's party. Maybe someday?

  9. Allie, it sounds like it will be the PERFECT party and I love, love, love the invitation design! Hey, my youngest is a senior in high school and I STILL daydream of all of the projects I will get done "some day...." Have fun with Henry and keep dreaming!


  10. Yeah, remember your first birthday? Right? You should, I TOTALLY worked my behind off for it! And all was great and fabulous fun until your cousin stole the show by devouring the cake with her hands. Dang. Still burns me up.

