Monday, January 10, 2011

Dear Henry

Dear Henry,

There is nothing sweeter than a baby belly. Lately, you love to rub both hands all around yours and smile all goofy, like you're amazed at how smooth your skin feels. You're constantly lifting up my shirt and poking your chubby little finger into my belly button. You're so curious. Yes Henry, I have one too!

When you were a newborn we used to snuggle you in just your diaper, piled under the covers to keep the January cold away from your tiny body. You'd bury your head into my armpit and sleep for hours. And though you aren't so snuggly these days, you are still happiest when you are naked. You love it when we let you crawl around the house clothes-free before a bath. As soon as you're undressed you start crawling all fast like a wild child, screeching and giggling as we try and "catch you".

And occasionally you slow down just long enough to touch my face and let me nuzzle my nose into your belly, just like when you were still brand new. These moments I LOVE.



  1. This actually made me tear up a little!! Reminds me so much of Bennett. Nakey babies are the very best, aren't they?

  2. my FAVORITE EVER! and it's awesome that they only get plumper the older our babies get. more to kiss on!

  3. This made me a little teary, too. It's a reminder to me, even though I'm tired, to savor the time right now when all Eden wants to do is cuddle. I might not get great sleep, my dishes may not be done...but they grow up so so quick.

    got your email. :) xoxo

  4. Such a beautiful photo of you two.

  5. This is so beautiful. I LOVE me some naked baby skin! I hope you don't mind, but I am a new following fan. I read about your blog on another blog that I follow. I love your blog...and little Henry is so stinkin' cute!


  6. beautiful! henry's so sweet. having a boy rocks.

  7. Lovely post, lovely photo.

    Cherish every moment, they soon turn into snotty, tantrum throwing mini-adults :)

    Although, we are still getting snuggles at nearly 4 years old so not all lost yet...


  8. what a wonderful photo of you two :)

  9. Your little Henry is soo adorable:) What a cutie! It was so good to see you over Christmas Break!

    Brianne R.

  10. so sweet! i just did a belly button post too. Lily is obsessed with them also. :)

  11. you are such a sweet mama!

    ***love your blog!
