Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 in Pictures (Happy New Year!)

Happy New Year! I can easily say that 2010 was the best year of my life and also that I am blown away by just how much can change in such a short amount of time. I'm looking back at all of these pictures and my heart is bursting with feelings I never knew possible until Henry's arrival.

So much love to you all.
Allie, Garrison, and our Baby Henry.

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Guess what? We're freaking BACK!

I just took the longest blogging break in the history of blogging because we were way too busy playing around Washington state with our families. I have like 3294893593849234 pictures that I'm currently sifting through and trying to organize/edit/blah but I keep getting distracted by all of your blogs that I haven't had the chance to read in over a week. I think I'll get to posting them someday.

Henry's first Christmas was awesome. We took him to festivals, made him sit on Santa's lap, and let him eat cinnamon rolls and cookies for breakfast almost every day. When we'd show up at a new place, grandmas already had his favorite baby foods/drinks sitting in the cupboard and the best toys lining his crib. Every time he'd turn around, someone was handing him a present or telling him how cute he is. He probably thinks he's a rock star.

He started making this new face last week and it's cracking us up. He mostly does it when he's concentrating real hard on something.

I hope all of your holidays went well. I can't wait to read all about your week, I've seriously missed you guys!

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Saturday, December 25, 2010

happy holidays! (christmas village)

happy holidays!

allie, garrison, and ho ho henry

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Monday, December 20, 2010

sleeping on the plane

we're staying at an awesome hotel. look at that view. i love washington state and its mountains.

we took henry to a thai restruant today and he somehow managed to put rice on his head using a big, silver spoon. not even kidding, my kid's got talent.
we took henry down to the marina to see his great grandpa. he loved feeding the ducks, pointing at the water, and ripping great grandpa's glasses off of his face.
I hope you are all having a great holiday season!
lots of love,
allie, garrison, and baby henry

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Friday, December 17, 2010

Hello WA!

Tomorrow! Omg, we're so excited.

Until I can post again, here's a video of Henry and his new bff disco dance party Mickey. This toy is like the baby P90X. Work it Henry!

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Creepy Santa

This is Henry's second time seeing Santa although we haven't had any professional pictures taken yet because we're hella cheap. I know, I know, sucky parents right? Eh. We'll get to it eventually...I just can't bring myself to pay thirty bucks for two 5 x 7's and a disc.

Anyway, Hen loved the first Santa but he wasn't so into the jolly guy above. Maybe it's because he knew his beard was
FAKE or maybe he saw him rub my lower back as I was standing up.

It's okay Baby Henry, everyone knows library Santas don't count.

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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Henry's Hats

I'm thinking these ridiculous photo shoot ideas are becoming more challenging by the day. Grandparents, soak it up!

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Our Bedtime Ritual

We have a bunch of bizarre routines like this, they make the whole bedtime schedule a little time consuming but Henry looooves them. EX: Every night after bath, he has to watch the water drain completely and then point outside when I ask, "Where did the water go?"

I can't skip any of these because he'd totally notice. I'd like to think I'm encouraging genius but I may just be creating OCD.

This is his latest fave (excuse the clutter, it was just one of those days).

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Everything's a phone these days.
Hey Henry, your Destin tube is blowin up!

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The Great Exchange.

This year twelve of the cutest babies in internet land got together for their first gift exchange. We had so much fun picking out a fun gift for Josselyn and in return, receiving a pretty awesome package from Mister Logan. This was only the second present Henry's ever opened (ever! poor kid, right?!) and I think he's already getting the hang of it, ripping the wrapping with his teeth and tearing at the tape. He'll be a pro by Christmas.

Logan sent Henry this cuddly big-eyed panda bear and a hand painted glass frog (logan's mom's got talent!) for his nursery. He loved them both so much, he was crawling around with the panda and kept sneaking up to his new frog and patting it's back (it makes a cool sound!) I snapped a few pictures of the frog this morning but my camera died and now I can't upload them. I think you can see it pretty good in the video below.

(And thanks Logan's mom!) You guys are the best! Henry totally waves and blows a kiss to his new buddy at the end of this video. Logan, this is like a huge deal because he rarely even does that for us.

And of course, Funz the cat had to try out the box too!

To see what everyone else got, check out the adorable babies below!

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Pawk is Fwudding!

The weather has been real weird lately. Warm enough to go on jogs one day and too cold to run into the grocery store the next. What gives? We took advantage of the warm(er) temperatures on Sunday to visit the park down the street. It was yesterday that I really realized how grown up Baby Henry is as I watched him explore the gym on his own. SO fun watching him crawl everywhere but also kind of depressing. Guys? He's going to be a year old in just a month. GAH!

I was trying to capture Henry going all crazy over this bridge at the playground but instead got a video of this awesome kid warning us about the rain water that had puddled up over the grass. Um, hilarious. He had a little dog with him too and he kept telling us that his dog "Wicks" and "Isn't that Funny? My dog will wick ya! Hahahahaha". Seriously, this kid ruled pretty hard. The only thing that could have possibly made him any more awesome would have been a big, red koolaid stain on his upper lip.

You guys totally whistle at your kids like they're a puppy too....right? Yowza!

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