Thursday, December 16, 2010

Henry's Hats

I'm thinking these ridiculous photo shoot ideas are becoming more challenging by the day. Grandparents, soak it up!

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  1. Ha! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Even if it's super challenging. I may have to do this to poor Ruari. :D

  2. love his hats!!! i wish bennett would leave hats on long enough for me to get pics! ha ha

  3. Love these pics...that last hat is the best! ;)

  4. love it!

    we did one like this with stella, it'll be something fun to look back on :)

    when do you guys head this way?!

  5. so cute! i love the one where all you see is the alligator head. oh and...go dawgs!

  6. adorable! my henry will not wear hats...ever...
    i don't even know if he let me put them on him when he couldn't even tell me he hated hats!!
