Saturday, December 4, 2010

Henry's First Christmas Tree.

Our tree is up! Although since these photos were taken it's been moved from the floor to the table top because you know, it's probably not good for babies to be chewing on Christmas lights or something right?

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  1. Awe!! This Christmas is going to be so awesome with the babes. We got a little 3ft tree, that is also on a table top. Next year, though, we're getting a full sized tree!

  2. hahahaha nice digital Santa costume, that is hilarious! Cute tree! Can't wait to get mine up!

  3. Wow, He may have peach fuzz on his head, but lots on his chinny, chin, chin!

  4. haha cute! i'm glad Ro isn't at that stage yet.. our whole place would be such a hazard! Henry gets cuter by the second!

  5. haha cute! i'm glad Ro isn't at that stage yet.. our whole place would be such a hazard! Henry gets cuter by the second!

  6. LOVE LOVE LOVE these pictures! did you make henry's tummy bigger in the first picture? and i love seeing him standing up. he's getting so big! corbin totally grabs the baby-safe ornaments that we have at his reach and shakes the crap out of our tree! im sure it will topple over on him before the month is over! haha

  7. I wish I could put mine on a table. My son likes to run up and pull the glass ornaments off. It's pretty terrible, but eh next year he won't be like that hopefully. I hope Henry is feeling better today!

  8. Jeez babies really do get into everything haha

  9. Yay! Merry Christmas you cute little family!

  10. Oh my gosh, baby with a beard. Hehe :)

  11. Soooooooooo cute!

    I must be kind of ditzy this morning because I wondered if the beard was actually a costume at first (as opposed to photo editing) Doh!
