Friday, November 5, 2010

Mama and Baby

I love, love, love this little buddy of mine.

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  1. aw, he is so cute, allie! don't you just love this age?

  2. elisa: thank you! most say he looks just like my husband and nothing like's good to finally hear the opposite from someone!

    rachel: i do! although it is the most challenging age so far it's also the most fun. i love getting kisses after asking for them and having him around on walks and after work while i'm bored waiting for garrison to get home. the perfect little friend!

  3. He's so sweet and lovable, how could you not??? Bennett has that onsie, too. I love it!

  4. Allie, maybe Henry could have fixed your computer with that Swiss Army knife he's holding...

    You all are the cutest ever!

  5. wow I love him too! You guys are both so adorable. What is with babies and keys anyways. King always loses mine.

  6. and i love, love, love that you two make the cutest baby mommy pair : )
