Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Our Weekend.

Saturday sink bath with dad.

Swinging on the wooden swings at the flea market.

Looking at all the cheap crap at the flea market.

If you ever need a bra for a dollar (about fifteen colors to choose from), a stun gun, a spray painted Michel Jackson t-shirt, or a Samurai sword- our flea market is your place.

Our real reason for visiting though was to look at the puppies. Garrison likes to daydream about getting one soon and I think he was running out of daydream material. Henry loved sticking his hands through the cages and letting the dogs lick his hands and he'd laugh like a crazy kid every time. Someday, Henry. Someday, Garrison.

On the go diaper changes in the car have become much trickier these days. I remember when his little body fit perfectly on that seat. What happened?
On Sunday, we had barbecued in our front lawn. It was 80 degrees and all of the neighbors were sitting outside too,listening to the radio and singing "My Girl" by the Temptations at the top of their lungs. The whole thing felt like summer, only it's almost the end of October. Southern weather is weird and completely backwards sometimes.

Eating dinner on the porch.

Sears is running a special right now, a free 10 x 13 photo with any background of your choice for FREE. We randomly picked up a coupon at the store while we were waiting for our car's oil to be changed and had some photos taken of him in front of this super cheesy moon scene. They look awesome and you totally can't beat free.

We went to a pumpkin patch with the kids I work with and they kept piling pumpkins in his stroller. The lady kept looking at me like I was trying to sneak a bunch of them out with me. In Washington, pumpkin patches are actual farms where you go and actually pick your pumpkin right from the vine. In the south, a pumpkin patch is any designated spot where pre-picked pumpkins have been neatly placed across the ground. Don't worry, they totally put hay bales and scarecrows around them so it feels more legit.

Of course we had a ton of moments like this throughout the weekend, but there were also a bunch like this:

Garrison and I also got to go out (minus baby!) and I had an entire Saturday morning to myself. My nanny boss took me to the spa and out to lunch and I seriously feel like a whole new person. This deserves an entire post of its own though, because getting away for a date with my husband and out of the house without Henry is like, the hugest deal now. It's really pathetic.

Hope you all had a great weekend as well! I can't wait to catch up on all of your lovely blogs!


  1. I love the wood swings!! Did he love swinging? Kingston sits their and lets our dog lick him and he opens his mouth! It's soo gross haha.

    Your weekend looked like so much fun I love all the pictures.

    & I changed kingston like that on the seat of my car and he got poop on my seat! Never again! HAHA

  2. Oh looks like such a great weekend!! I'm jealous, I wish it was warm enough to eat on our deck!!

  3. it sounds like the most marvelous weekend!

  4. awww sounds perfect! :)

    I remember those days! Wait.. my son is three and getting out of the house kid free is STILL a miracle! (minus his weekends with his dad!)


    Have you decided on a costume for Henry yet? (maybe I Missed it if you did!) I can't wait for Halloween!

  5. Oh yes, that does look like a lovely weekend!

  6. love the highchair on the porch...classic!

  7. you guys are the cutest ever. we did so many of the same things this past weekend! dinner on the front verandah, going to a pet shop to visit the puppies, bbq outside, sink baths and swinging in the park!

  8. what a lovely weekend... and your trip to the spa sounds awesome. Can't wait to hear about it.

  9. i totally love that picture of Henry on the porch by himself at night. soooooooo funny!

    pumpkin picking in the south is beat.

  10. Your weekend sounded great :) you should so get a puppy by the way... Henry is so cute with dogs!

  11. So jealous of your lovely weather. I have been wearing my winter coat and experiencing near-freezing temperatures for the last month! And January-February are typically the coldest winter months here. I may never survive! :)

  12. oh to wear shorts in the fall...for that alone, you are a lucky girl=)
    looks like you had a wonderful weekend. i love the very last photo of a smiling Henry. so cute.
    spa = amazing. lucky duck!

  13. so i definitely need to go to your flea market because all the things you named just happen to be all the things i am totally in need of. weird.

  14. what a fun weekend-i love the photo of him in his highchair on the porch!

    he just keeps getting cuter and cuter!

  15. Loving your blog! I'm your newest follower :)


  16. gorgeous and priceless weekend!! he looks so tiny eating on the porch!

  17. i totally get the stroller thing. when i go shopping with g i throw him in his stroller instead of a cart. i pile everything in there with him. people look at you as if you're stealing everything.

  18. Awwww, what a fabulous weekend you guys had! sink baths, swinging, bbq's, humid weather, porch dinners, a date night & time to yourself {totally jealous girl}, great scott how much more fun can you pack into a weekend! thanks so much for sharing :)

    ps~ where are you in the south that there are no actual farms with pumpkin patches :( and here is to me wishing you were still in DC much closer to me! hope you are having a fabulous Wednesday!

  19. Hi! WE love your blog! We are a company called Padalily, our product is a cushion that comforts mom's sore arms. It wraps around the car seat handle so mom's have an easier time to carry the handle in the bend of their arm. We would love to find out how to do a giveaway or review on your blog. Would you be interested in something like that?
    If so ,please contact whitney@padalily.com

  20. OK, had to revisit this because his little mood swing pictures make me laugh.
