Saturday, October 9, 2010

My Excuses...

I haven't blogged in a few days because Henry Bear is sick and that = no free time for me because I'm always wiping his nose, or holding him on my hip while he bites my shoulder, or counting out teething tablets without trying to touch them (srsly??), or rocking him through the entire night. Plus, he's like permanently attached to my boobs as they are still his main source of comfort. Blahhhhh, poor baby beans!

On top of lil' sicky here, I am working this entire weekend and Garrison is conveniently out of town (jk, garrison!) and that part = four days/nights straight with three kids under the age of four. Blahhhhh again, poor mama beans!

And now I will boo-hoo baby some more because hey, it's my blog and I can do that... you know? But seriously, feel free to call the waaaaambulance at anytime.

Yesterday I broke my toe. Stubbed it so freaking hard that now I can't move it and it's bright purple and red. I've tied it to the other toe so that hopefully it will heal itself straight. According to a Google search, this is what you've gotta do. And Google is like, always 100% acurate with their medical advice right? I mean, who needs doctors these days?

One of the smoke detectors in the house randomly started beeping every 20-60 minutes at three in the morning. By the time I got out of bed to see which one was going off it would stop. There is no set time between beeps, which honestly creeps me the h out and so I didn't sleep again last night. Oh, and just a second ago I took the battery out and it's still beeping. Isn't that in a horror movie somewhere? Um, just saying....

Waaaaahh. Waaaaahh. Waaaaahh.

Ok. I'll shut up now.

Here's my latest favorite picture of Henry, because I know that's what you all really come here for anyway. Don't feel bad, I totally understand.

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  1. Awe!! Poor Henry. It's so sad when babies are sick! I hope he starts feeling better soon so you can get some freedom (away from nursing) and start blogging again ;-).

  2. I am glad to see you back posting even though I am amazed that you had the time to post during your busy weekend. Even though you feel frazzled, you still do it all with such a sense of fun and style. I love checking in here every day to see what you and H are up to. Take care, Z

  3. thanks mandy! it's so horrible when they are sick because you want to make them feel better but there's nothing you can do for them. poor sick guys!

    dear zoe: when i first saw "anonymous" i thought i had another annoying troll comment. so happy to hear from you instead! i loved talking today, love and miss you guys SO MUCH!

  4. Ah sick babies are not fun AT ALL! Poor little Henry and mommy! I hope he feels better soon.

    You crack me up because I totally google everything too. I swear i'm always like "it's okay I'll google it!Google will tell us!" haha

    Have a good rest of the weekend!

  5. You poor thing! And poor baby H, I hope you guys are doing better and you are back to you blogging self soon

  6. aww, so sorry to hear your little man isn't feeling well. seems like there's a lot of that going around the interwebz. get better soon henry! & get to feeling better too allie's toe. and hopefully get some sleep soon!

    also, i got that nasty troll comment too. sounds like lots of tbb people did. psycho.

  7. im sorry things have annoying/rough for you the past few days. i hope henry starts feeling better soon!! and i really hope that dumb fire alarm stops beeping.. good luck this weekend :)

  8. :)

    I hope you BOTH feel better!

    Love that picture of henry! He is quite the hunky fire fighter! :)

  9. i dunno about a horror movie...but that whole smoke detector scenario is totally in an episode of "friends."

    haha. i hope henry gets better and your days get better!

  10. oh my goodness...I couldnt do it with that many kids. One kid is hard enough..especially when he's sick! I certainly hope tomorrow is a great day..and everything is back on track! Sorry about your toe!

  11. Allie! Yikes, you poor girl! Yes, you did the exact right thing taping your piggy to it's neighbor; there really is nothing you can do for a broken toe, which is a HUGE design flaw in my book. And I feel your pain with the stupid smoke detector cuz ours starting doing the same damn thing about 2 minutes AFTER Jay left for work, around 5:30 AM. Big hugs to you and Sicky! XOXO

  12. something about that cute little face of his is absolutely irresistible! ( even when he's not such a happy camper).

    & you have super photo skills catching these priceless moments : )

  13. hoping tomorrow is a better day. when it rains it does pour, especially with little ones. The worst I will tell you is when you get the flu and baby feels fine. But, hang in there mama. :)
    I loved what you said about anon commenters. I always get nervous and annoyed too, but usually it's just my dad and mom these days. Mean Anon people suck.

  14. That is all well worth feeling a little sorry your self. I mean that's a lot. Esp. with the broken toe...are you kidding me?

    Love your blog! Love your little man.

    Cute cute cute. Oh! And I'm from Olympia, WA, currently residing in Austin, TX, so I love your WA posts!! Very sorry to hear about your friend though. So so sad. So, maybe I should comment more often, so I don't have to get it all out in one rambly weird comment. Anyway...

    Check out pics of my new little one. He kind of reminds me of Henry sometimes. I think it's cuz he's a baldy too. :)

  15. You deserve to whine! You have your hands full.
    Andddd stumping/breaking your toe is the worst!!
    I've tied my lil stubby toes together because google told me to, too! :]
    Hope Henry gets better very soon!

  16. lol. well at least you have a really good and funny attitude about it. lol
    hope little Henry feels better and hope that your toe gets better too. and yes, that is what you are supposed to do and yes, google is always right! ;)

    oh, and we are having a cute giveaway
