Sunday, September 12, 2010

We're Home!

With new teeth to show and everything!

We flew into Savannah late last night and started trying to adjust to east coast time and the incredibly humid weather once again. Our flight was delayed by two and a half hours, our baggage is still missing, and our taxi driver was kind of a jerk...but we made it.

It was really hard saying goodbye to our families, I already miss them so much my stomach hurts. Introducing Henry to so many new people was hilarious and awesome and amazing. He probably thinks he's a celebrity or a baby god and is wondering where his chorus of "ooooohs" and "awwwws" has gone every time we enter a new room.

I honestly can't say I'm excited to be home. Usually by the end of a long vacation I am aching to sleep in my own bed but this time it is totally different. There really is nothing greater than family and good friends. And Washington state? You are STILL AWESOME.

Ugggh, I am sad!

Thank you all so much for your comments while I have been away. I'm sorry I haven't been awesome at replying to them all, but things will get easier now that we are home again. Just know that I read every single one and loved and appreciated them beyond words. You guys are the best.


  1. i'm sorry you have to go back to sucky ole georgia. that sucks. but it's nice to see some baby teeth!

  2. Yay Allie! I'm so glad you and Henry are home safely! The new teeth are awesome. Hope you start to feel settled again soon.

  3. oh yay! i was thinking about you all headed home yesterday! sorry your heart is missing your family. i bet it was so hard to leave them. but glad to hear you all are home safely. [minus all the annoyances. i am always PARANOID to lose my luggage! hope you get it back SOON!]

  4. It's good to see you are back even though you probably want to still be at home. :( But we have missed you! Those teethies are too cute!

    Henry, come teach Kingston to grow teeth!! :)

  5. ugh. i know exactly how you feel. we live in nc, and my family and all of my friends are in utah. it's been 5 years, and it never gets any easier. especially now that we have our son, and my family hardly even knows him. it breaks my heart a little. i'm glad you got to spend lots of quality time with yours. <3

  6. ah man, i totally know what you mean. i for sure get the post-vacation blues & get all down in the dumps about not living close to my fam. skyping & lots of instant messaging seems to help, but it's just not the same.

    getting back into your normal routine will help :)

  7. awww sounds like you had a great time. you're so lucky to have family, friends, and a home state you miss so much and can always get back to. hope you get settled smoothly.

  8. I hate living so far from my family too:( But it's always great to see everyone all together again!

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  9. I am in LOVE with his little baby teethers!

    I'm sorry that you arent with your family again.

    Is there any chance you'll move back eventually?
