Friday, September 17, 2010

Sorry Beatles!

I said to Little f, "Do you hear this song? It's by the Beatles! Do you like the Beatles?"

She thought about it for a good amount of time, looked at me quite seriously and said,
"Ummm, nahhhh....but I like the ANTS!"

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  1. HOLY cuteness! :)

    Love her answer and her outfit! Too presh!

  2. Your photographs are amazing, if you ever just 'pop' over to the UK would you please give me a call!!
    How are you? I hope you are able to have time to grieve. I know you have a good support network but if you need to 'chat' to someone out of your family, my inbox is always open :)

    Take care


  3. aww, haha. so cute!
    i like this picture too. :)

    oh, and p.s. i'm also glad we "know" each other. :)


  4. I love this photo! Got to love the things kids say. I just read your post about losing your friend I'm so sorry.

  5. allie, this picture looks like its straight out of a magazine! i hope little f grows up to love the beatles more than the ants and adores the heck out of this picture of her!

  6. brittany: thanks! i seriously think her and adien could have a tv show together, they both say the funniest things. disney channel, watch out!

    gemma: replying to your so sweet comment over at your blog...

    mandy: THANK YOU!

    lydia: thanks! i was seriously so excited when you found me on fb. i am such a nerd sometimes.

    kristy: thanks, i know they really crack me up. especially this girl, she's just got a great personality. thanks for thinking about me during this whole thing with my friend.

    mandy: <3 (so much!)

  7. I just LOVE that blue ribbon in the hair :-)
    Saw you from Paper Mama!
