Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Magical Mommy

I love watching Henry discover things for the first time. There is this new spinning light toy at work and it completely blows. his. mind. Can you even imagine seeing something like this and not knowing what it is or even how it works? Henry probably thinks I'm a wizard.

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  1. That looks like sooo much fun!! It's amazing to watch kids see things for the 1st time. They are so amazed!

  2. I think even Aidyn would be super impressed!

  3. I have a small one for my niece - guess I better wait 2 months, huh?

  4. Allie, you are the wizard of awesome. Hang in there, Lovely.

  5. That's awesome. I love his face in the second photo, he looks just in absolute awe.

  6. I love this post. I think all the time what it must be like for Eden to see certain 'normal' things for the first must be so strange to her! She gives me the craziest wide-eyed look when I blow dry my hair. So cute.

    (awesome pictures, too!)

  7. I laugh literally out loud at "he probably thinks I'm a wizard!"

  8. That is great! I would love to get in the mind of a baby .. They are so in awe of everything. The baby twins I used to nanny- my hubby and i used to skype with them and other babies-- and they flipped out. I don't think they knew where to put that in their mind.

  9. that is so great! i will have to try that with Lily.
    hope your friend is getting better.

  10. Yep, I think you're right - his mind had to be totally 100% BLOWN!!

    Too cute!!
