Friday, August 20, 2010

(Teething) Party Over Here!

Henry's first tooth is slowly making an appearance, this is seriously so exciting. That little tooth is gonna pimp his grill, his smiles are going to be 10000 cuter with a little white flashing on the bottom right. Aside from being a little fussier than usual, so far he has shown little sign of pain and discomfort. In fact I wouldn't have even noticed it if he hadn't yawned right when I was putting him in his car seat.

This is not at all what I thought teething would be like (at least for now).
Oh, and taking a picture of a new tooth is like, next to impossible...but trust me, it's there!

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  1. maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones.

    good luck henry!

  2. did you knock on wood?


    it can get worse..

    take it from me!


  3. my baby is getting his first tooth too! its trying to pop up anyway! good luck!

  4. yay! ours has been pretty easy too so far. it seems like some days it will bother him and some days he's just fine.

  5. I'll take your word for it that he's got a little tooth in there. In the meantime, I think this photo is adorable.

  6. I hope you are on of the lucky ones...teething is flat out horrible! Teething tablets and tylenol..are our best friends right now. My son has 6 molars coming's rough!

  7. Landon just got his first tooth in. I didn't think most babies got their first tooth at 4 months but I guess they do since he did. He wasn't too bad. Just a little extra fussy but nothing too horrible. But, I here the other teeth are a lot worse than the bottom two that come in first. His second one is about to pop through any day now.

  8. gah, i've been saying Lovie's been teething for about four months now and still nothing. :D

  9. YAY! first tooth. congrats! sleepless nights ahead...

  10. Oh how cute!! Keep trying to get a picture of that little toothie! I wanna see. So happy he's being *pretty* good through the teething process. Good for him, and you!! Yay!

  11. "Click" :-)
    Lucky you, hope it stays that easy :-)
    Here... still waiting for Niece.

  12. let me just tell you that i was lucky enough to have corbin get his first tooth at four months. i barely got a picture then. its IMPOSSIBLE to get a picture of his teeth now. im on the lucky side too that corbin is not whiny or anything when he's teething! and as always, i love the picture. he's so silly!

  13. Those eyelashes are magnificent.
