Thursday, August 12, 2010

Paper Mama's Photo Challenge: Water

I know I just posted this picture but I thought it was perfect for The Paper Mamas latest photo challenge: Water.

If you ever want to find us on a hot Georgia day check the pool. If were not there, try the bed!

The Paper Mama

we're also trying out "new friend friday" for the first time ever. i love all of the new blogs i have already found, and i just linked up. so fun! if you're visiting from the girl creative, welcome!

New Friend Fridays


  1. So adorable!
    I love the way you edit your photos!

  2. I love this photo and the one you did one the chair! Too cute I'm going to try and find Harper some sunny's

  3. What a bright and happy shot - I love the sunglasses! I'm coming to you from The Paper Mama and now your newest follower!

  4. This is an adorable picture and I love all of the color!

  5. He's such a little hunk!

    Future life guard?

    I THINK SO!!!

  6. Hi! Your son is such a cutie! I'm visiting (& following) from New Friend Friday. Have a great weekend!
