Monday, August 16, 2010

Paper Mama Photo Challenge: Orange

Henry's First Peach!

Last Saturday I picked up a bag full of local, organic peaches from the farmer's market. I stuck one in the freezer until it was nice and cold, peeled off the skin, and let Henry go crazy! It was love at first bite, a summer treat just perfect for a teething baby!

To see some other "orange" photos, check out The Paper Mama's latest challenge!

The Paper Mama


  1. such pretty eyes!!
    This is so cute.

  2. Hello
    I haven't commented before but just wanted to say I love your blog so have given you a blog award. If you wish to accept, stop by my blog, lungs behaving badly to pick it up. Love the 'orange' picute, too cute!!

  3. Ahh too cute! This is a great pic.
    p.s. I saw your video you posted a few posts back of your baby eating green beans and cracking up laughing... I showed my husband and we were both almost crying we were laughing so hard. Now whenever my husband sees me reading blogs online, he asks if I am reading "Green Beans Blog." Haha too funny!

  4. I'm in love!! Awesome perspective on this!!

  5. My goodness his eyes are blue! zoe

  6. (if i were a guest judge i would so pick this one as the winner)

  7. I love your blog! Your photography is beautiful and that is such a great idea to freeze the peach a little before giving it to him. I'm going to try it out with my own little one!

  8. this picture is absolute just priceless. it should hands down win!! love the DIY below!!

  9. Such a cute pic! I love the colors!

  10. Mmmmm! Yummy! Look at those eyes! This picture is wonderful! Ruari chokes on the littlest things. She's not quite ready for that.

  11. thank you all for such sweet comments! mandy, that video is one of our favorites! adventures of a blondie mommy, thank you so much. you are so sweet! chelsey: we have totally had some close calls. henry's favorite thing to choke on is paper though....!!

  12. so precious... I think the orange peach makes his eyes more blue or better yet his beautiful blue eyes are helping out that peach.

  13. i love it! and i LOVE peaches so much. that's all we've been eating these days. :)
    glad to have found your cute blog!
