Saturday, August 14, 2010

Me as a Mother (Blog Crush)

"Zoo" by Heidi.

I am totally in love with Heidi and her wonderful blog, Me as a Mother. She stumbled across my blog a while back and wow oh wow oh wow am I so glad she did. Her photography is amazing, her children are beautiful, and her writing is genuine and hilarious. I know you will all love her too!


  1. SOLD!
    and seriously? only eight followers. how does that happen!? think about all the other AMAZING blogs out there that no one knows about. so sad. like lost puppies! :(

  2. jill: so funny, that is almost exactly what i told her when i first found her!! it makes me wonder how many other awesome blogs i am missing everyday!

  3. ps. i just realized she's the guest blogger on dear baby today!!!

  4. seriously?! i'm so stoked for her!! i hope she gets a bunch of new readers because of it! heading over to read now...

  5. Oh my God Allie, you are the sweetest girl! Thank you so much for your post, and thank you for your wonderful comments on my blog. I just appreciate it beyond belief! Wow.

  6. Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog.
    Have a nice day!

  7. Allie, you have the greatest readers; thank you for sending them my way. You really are a sweetheart. Have a super day!
