Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Henry's Signature Look

Henry has always been a very expressive baby, constantly playing around with different eyebrow positions and various ways to purse his lips. Out of his many, many looks (kid can't make up his mind!) this one is definitely the sweetest, one of my favorites. He usually makes this face when he is totally content, like after he's actually napped and allowed himself to suck down a belly full of milk without getting distracted by every. little. thing.

I love Mandy's new photo challenge: Signature Look. To see other cute babies (and pets!) click here.


  1. oh my what a cute sweet little boy Henry is! I wish all of us lived close and we could have a big mommy play date!

  2. i love that look! he is just too cute :D

  3. He's got my vote for signature look. I added your button to my page. Happy Wednesday!

  4. His expressions always crack me up! He is such a hunk!

  5. He looks so tiny and wee next to Mr. Frog. And adorable as always!

  6. that is sooo funny. My kid is doing the same thing. He is soooo distracted when I am feeding him. He hears any noise or someone comes in the room he immediately trys to turn around and see what's going on. Then he looks at me for me to tell him what's happening. It is soo funny. I start laughing, then he starts laughing, then no one is eating! Anyway. your kid is soo freaking cute!

  7. I love how you've taken the picture - great perspective and I love the expression.

  8. zoolander has nothing on him!

  9. AH! Oh my gosh I love that!! Such a cute expression. And his frog... oh I'm dying over this photo. Seriously.

  10. He's so sweet. I can't wait to meet him. :)

  11. look at that face!!! omg i wanna kiss his sweet cheeks. also...where is mah pen pal letter, lady? ive been searchin the mail!! :)
