Monday, August 2, 2010

Getting Away

This weekend we rented a dock house by the river and spent time as a family basking in the sun, eating good food, and sleeping in. Lately I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed/bored with the routine of everyday life, so getting away helped clear my mind and focus on the things that have unintentionally been buried under months of dirty diapers and no sleep. This weekend I realized that I need to:

a) Make more time for G. Focusing on a new baby is so easy because they demand so much of your attention and time. I feel like our relationship has been put on the back burner and that really is unfair for the two of us.

b) Spend less time stressing out about the smallest things. Time is escaping me and my baby is growing up so. fast.

c) Get out in the sun more. Internet less (gasp!)

d) Stop complaining about where we live. It's seriously so gorgeous here.

Henry slept better in our tiny dock house than he does at home. What's that? A sign that we need to go on more family vacations?? Okay!!

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  1. looks like an amazing time! you have such a beautiful family!

  2. Hey Allie! Have you gotten my letter? I sent it a long time ago! It should have gotten ther a while ago! hmmmm did you get it? I hope so!!!!!!!

    Love you and miss you!!!!!!!!!!!

    Your Sis,

  3. Mandy: Thank you so much! We really enjoyed our time away, it was needed by all three of us so badly!

    Karli: I told mom to tell you that I got your letter!! I was so happy when I opened my mailbox and saw your colorful envelope, I'm going to post it on my blog here in a bit- it was so pretty! And you letter made me miss you even more. I have the sweetest little sister ever. I love you!

  4. I just think you and your little family are the neatest ever. I love this window into your world!

  5. I also need to get out more!
    Glad you had a good time though. :)

  6. A dock house, how cool is that?!!! Beautiful colors, I love that green waters! And you guys look so happy, too!
    You made my Tuesday (grey and rainy here, yips, great, once I can go to work by bike...)

  7. i love these pictures! the one of henry on g's chest and they are both totally in love with eachother! oh my! too cute. the house reminds me of the sloughs in cathlamet.
    also, yay for not getting peed [that word does not look like its spelled right for some reason] on by a naked baby!
