Friday, July 2, 2010

Vincent Van Prunes


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  1. how'd those prunes work out for you?

    i've been thinking of getting jude a bit of prunes because (mom TMI) we could use some more regular poopin around here. i've heard that prunes do the trick.

  2. ugh, unfortunately they haven't really worked too well. mostly just gave him an upset stomach that gurgled really loud and kept him up all night. the next day he was still constipated! ok, here's some mom tmi for you...we just bought some baby laxatives but i am too afraid to put it up "there". poor henry, he really needs to poop. gross.

  3. well (no) crap! i was hoping that might be an easy solution to our problem. i've heard pears can be good for it too, maybe try that?

  4. Kingston loves prunes out of all the other fruits. He is a weirdy. We had some constipation problems and his dr told me to get prune juice. The noraml prune juice. Its not made for babies just give him about one ounce none deluted.

    It worked really well! 20 minutes later he was poopin.

    Hope that helps!

  5. thanks for all the advice! if he doesn't poop soon i think i'll be getting some pears and prune juice!!

  6. Oh my gosh, too funny!

    Thanks for pointing out my commenting snafu on my blog--all fixed now!

    Have a super weekend!

  7. I'm guessing you want him to poo. I saw another Mama post about her prune experience. It looked vERY messy. :D

  8. Yeah, the prunes are the messiest food we've tried by far. and they are still not working, when is this kid ever going to poop?!
