Wednesday, July 21, 2010

TerraCycle Winner!

Henry ate picked out the TerraCycle winner today! Apparently I sound like the girl from Secret Life of the American Teenager and I am really good at boob shots.



  1. so cute!! you do sound a bit like Grace... haha :)

  2. Ahahaha, I wasn't even thinking about her but now I totally see it. I was more thinking I do that same fake annoying as all hell laugh that Amy does when she's talking to John. I should start swiping my freaking huge side bangs out of my face all. the. time. and then I'd really have it down.

  3. CUTE dress! Dang it you guys are adorable. And the comments above just made me laugh SO HARD!

  4. Thanks Paige! So um, yeah...confession: I watch Secret Life.

    Can we still be friends?

  5. That's your secret life then. Totally still friends, because, GUESS WHAT! I watched The Real Housewives of New Jersey the other day. I never watch tv--especially not that kind of tv. I don't know what came over me.

    Still friends?

  6. umm could you be any cuter? I love your dress. Your voice is super cute and happy.
    Little Henry you don't eat paper!!
    Silly boy!

    He is soo cute thats such a good idea too. Next giveaway Kingston's picking a winner!

  7. Paige: We can still be friends because one time I watched an entire episode of The Bachelor and was even telling Garrison how I hoped the less bitchy girl won "true love".

    Shawntae: Thanks! I actually got the idea from Chelsey at Paper Mama and had seen it somewhere before that as well.

  8. Hahahhahah!! I always hope that.

  9. Yeah, the guys on those shows are always so genuine, I think they deserve the less bitchier know?

  10. Love your voice! I am a secret life a holic! Thats what makes Mondays not suck after the weekend!

    I'm like crazy about it!

    Aidyn picked my giveaway winner for my first giveaway too!! :)

  11. uh, i'm too cool to watch the secret life. actually, i'm not that cool... i don't have cable.

    cute henry!

  12. britt: the amount of drama is unreal! i love that any ridiculous scenario you could think of usually ends up happening on that show. i think ricky's mom is going to kidnap john when she gets out of jail, yeah?

    jess: we don't have cable either, which means i totally go out of my way to hulu that s.

  13. How cute is that? :-) Also the last post, awww! Those toes! Cuuute!
    Here rain broke in, and colder weather.. but we need it (well the farmers and woods do, not me!).

  14. geez you both are just too darn cute! :)

  15. also a secret life-aholic! my twelve year old neice [who is now fourteen] made me start watching it! i was secretly playing with barbies at twelve and thirteen, not watching shows at ten o'clock at night where every other word is SEX! geesh.
    anyways, the video is too cute! i love that herny picked the winner. corbin would have totally ate the winner too!

  16. Iris: I hope the weather has warmed up for you!!

    Chelsey: Took this idea from you, I just loved it so much! Thanks!

    Lovie's Mom: You two are as well! You are so sweet, thanks so much!

    Jill: I KNOW! I can't even believe that show is geared towards a younger audience, it's crazy. Hopefully Henry isn't asking to watch night HBO by the time he's ten...times have really changed, that's for sure!
