Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Quick Hands

Oh, I'm sorry. Were you drinking from that glass?


  1. Allie, this is why we don't have any fine china. He's such a cluts sometimes. ♥

    PS-I did the tag!

  2. Oh no, not a Lagunitas cup! Good beer, plus that dog looks like dog.

    I found you all on BabyBlogs, what an adorable family who have!

  3. uh oh!!! You capture every moment, don't you?!

  4. uh-oh. but he looks sorry. & completely adorable.

    (by the way, LOVE your green bumbo. kind of wishing we had that color too. ours is a lame pastel green. blech.)

  5. He sure looks sorry, how cute!

    Allie, can you tell me how these Baby-chairs are called?
    I tried unsuccessfully to find out if they´re available in Germany... Would be something for my niece-to-be, huh? From which age on can you use them?

  6. hahahaha! reminds me of when jude pulled over a FULL glass of lemonade onto himself. he FLIPPED his SHIT and cried for an hour. i'm not really sure why, it wasn't a big deal.

    weird babies.

  7. Oh this definitely reminds me of my son! This is so adorable! (:
