Wednesday, July 7, 2010

my baby does hair...

and he's currently booking appointments. interested? give us a call!

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  1. i LOVE it!
    he would so make it with the pros!!! :) what a perfect career!

    your family is priceless

  2. Thats so weird! I know blogger was acting funny yesterday it was doing it to a bunch of my friends blogs and mine too.

    I looked at my "comments" tag and everything seems to be okay! :(

    Way cute. Why are babies so in love with hair? I have super long hair and kingston pulls it so hard. Sometimes he gets chunks it hurts so bad. haha
    LIttle STINKS!!!

    Thanks for entering my giveaway too.

  3. He's something! I bet I couldn't afford his services though! :) He does a fabulous job! I love the smile on your face!

  4. He's something! I bet I couldn't afford his services though! :) He does a fabulous job! I love the smile on your face!

  5. I liked what he did with your hair. Will he be free in a couple of months? I'm thinking of doing something different with my hair. :)

  6. :) Mine's gonna be an optometrist, I swear.

  7. Lol this is too adorable! I think I need my hair done! xD

  8. What a freakin' STUD!
    I'm so lucky to have such an amazing husband. Thank you, Allie.

  9. Oh I forgot to ask, is he free on friday? not for an apt, it's just been a while since we had a date night.

  10. I don't think I should book an appointment. While it does look like he does an amazing job... I think Ruari would be pretty pissed if I went to a different hair stylist.

    You see, she's just started styling my hair too. Gotta stick with the family. :D

  11. Thank you for all of your comments! Paige, I'll nurse him Friday around 7 and then you guys can get 2-3 hours in before he gets hungry again. Better start planning now! Chelsey, ha ha. We totally understand, family is family ;)

  12. Thinking about going to gymboree. Fun--or lame? You know, we like to let the good times roll.

  13. Actually I really really like your hair like that. Very scene! Could your baby pencil me in for next Tuesday?

  14. I know this is an old post but I just stumbled upon your blog. We have a three year old named Henry so of course I had to see what your Henry was like. Ours has been a big kid since birth, weighing in at a whopping 9 lbs 12 oz! I can't tell you how many comments like those I've gotten in the past three years!
