Thursday, July 15, 2010

Henry Meets the Beatles

He kept staring at George and trying to giraffe tongue his face. Obviously baby already knows who the best Beatle is. I'm so proud.

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  1. Too cute! We are big fans of the Beatles at our house as well. Luki has a giant decal in his room that says, "All you need is love"

  2. ailen: i would expect nothing less of you three, what with your love for iron and wine and everything :) i think henry needs a beatle's poster in his room, where did you find one for luki? btw, i know you guys are pretty close, if you are ever in GA let me know... we'd love to meet up!

  3. Cute, cute, cutest! :-)
    Am now off to explore the new Blogs you presented! :-)

  4. Oh my goodness! Cutest picture ever. I love that he already loves the Beatles.

  5. LOVELOVELOVE this! The song black bird came on when she was being born and now when we even hum it to her she gets big grins....the Beatles and it's members were made for babies this I'm sure. 8-)

  6. iris: thanks! i'm positive you'll love them!

    brittany: thank you :) he really loves it when we sing, "Oh darling" but say "Oh Henry" instead!

    Kirby: that is so sweet, it's such a good song too! btw i loved the song you posted on your know, the one that has G's middle name in it? you guys are the best.

  7. Outstanding. My parents raised me on the Beatles and Dylan since infantry, and I like to believe that it had a good effect on me =)

  8. Yes! I was just thinking the other day that I don't play enough music for Ruari. I think we'll keep the TV off all day and just play music. Ugh, I really need to update my iPod!

  9. emmy: yes! the quote on your cute header was one of the first things i noticed! i was raised on beatles songs as well but really wish my parents had been dylan fans, i fell in love with him waaaay too late!

    chelsey: henry lives for music! he's started "dancing" every time he hears a song, it's one of my favorite things ever :)

  10. giraffe tongue! ahahahahahaha!

  11. oh jill, can you just see it? please tell me corbin does the same thing...these babies and their mouths- amazing!

  12. PERFECT! Start them young. Eli was digging the Beatles in the womb with the ipod speakers on my belly!
