Monday, June 7, 2010

Through The Eyes Of A Preschooler.

These pictures were all taken by the three year old that I work with. I love seeing the things preschoolers find interesting enough to capture on film and the interesting angles their photography produces. They see things so differently than we do, these photos made the table tops and adults look like giants in an imaginary land!

Food, legs, babies, and toys seem to be this artist's favorite subjects to shoot. Obviously some of the best things in life, I think she's got it pretty much figured out!


  1. I love these. You grouped them together so beautifully, Allie. You're probably the best...ever.

  2. How cute is this?! What a fun idea!

  3. Thanks Paige! I know I have said this over a thousand times already but you are so sweet <3

    Shelly, thanks! Did you know they make kid-proof digital cameras now? I would have loved one of those when I was little :)

  4. love, love, love. you must have such a blast while working!
