Tuesday, June 29, 2010

this is what happens when i leave henry unsupervised at work. little f said, "ooooo, ha ha. look! him dressed up in stickerrrrrs, ahhaha!"

it looks like sesame street exploded all over my baby!

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  1. Ahhhhhhh this is so damn cute!!
    Are those like.. stickers? Haha.

  2. thanks dori! yeah, those are stickers...she was supposedly "showing h her picture" and i turn the corner and see this. he was loving it though, funny kid!

  3. Hilarious. You should have ended by saying: This post was brought to you by the letters U, C, and I. And the number 3.

  4. haha this picture is just too cute! i'm serious, henry is the most photogenic baby i have ever seen :D

  5. This is totally too cute! That cute littel face!!! Or foot, for that matter!

  6. Ailen: you always make me laugh! that is hilarious!

    Mariel: awww, i think h just blushed! haha :)

  7. Seriously, he must have the funnest "baby"hood EVA! :)

    Just think what fun parents you'll be when he gets older!

    Wanna adopt me?

    P.s. I agree with Mariel! Most photogenic baby EVER!

  8. this is so cute! look at his happy little face!

  9. this is so cute!! it looks like he had just as much fun as whoever did it to him :)

  10. I love this picture of him. He is such a cutie and seems like such a ham. :)
