Thursday, June 3, 2010

Right Where I Want To Be.

lindsey's visit may 10 008 by you.

Today I am 25 years old. This past year was one of the most memorable times of my life as the majority of it was spent being pregnant with Henry. If you had told 20 year old me that by 25 I'd be married with a baby I would have had a hard time believing you. It's amazing to me how quickly time changes everything.

In the blink of an eye life can go from this:

l_b057f989601d7de125ce4a15ce81d503 by you.

To this:

megan's visit May 10 056 by you.

Tricky time, I'll never quite understand you but thank you so much for everything you've given me so far.


  1. always. I think I have a problem. But happy birthday, beautiful. A facebook wishing wasn't enough. Maybe I'll mail you a present??! Ahh, it will be super late but I think it would be fun. Love!

  2. oh yay! happy happy happy birthday!!!

  3. Aww happy birthday! I hope you have an amazing day! :)

  4. aww happy birthday! you share a bday with my oldest nephew (23). coolio. (and never mind how old-io that makes me feel)

  5. Beautiful!!! Love this post. It's so true about time!

  6. Happy birthday Allie!! Congratulations!! I hope you had the most awesome birthday with your shiny new little family :)
    A big hug!!!

  7. Happy Birthday Beautiful! Hope your day goes perfectly!

    You are blessed!

  8. happy birthday!!! i turned 25 6 weeks after milo was born - that was a bit of a shock to the system i must say!
    anyway, i hope you have a fabulous birthday, with lots of henry snuggles! xx

  9. Happy Birthday Allie! You have had a very blessed life so far :D. It will only gets better darling. Enjoy every minute of it!

  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I am 23 right now and I hope to be where you are by 25. I have the handsome hubby part down...


  11. Thank you all so much for the sweet birthday wishes!! All of your comments have made my day even more special <3 Each wish made me smile so big, you are all the best!

  12. Hey Allie! Happy Birthday!!!!! Sorry this is so late, but it sounds like you had an awesome day baking a cake with the kids--I can picture that :). I hope you got to go out with Garrison tonight baby free for a little bit. Lovee you soo much and have been missing you all a lot lately. Happy being 25! ..I am only 4 years away. SCARY.

  13. happy birthday! :) i'm 20 right now and i have been blogging about where i see myself in 5 years and married with a baby does sound rather far fetched but super splendid! you make it look absolutely delightful.

  14. happy birthday!! it is obvious that the last year was an amazing one.. hope the next one is just as great! :)

  15. Happy Happy Birthday mama! I hope your day was wonderful! <3

  16. I hope your birthday was so wonderful!

  17. Aaaawwww...this post was sooo sweet and soooo true. Once you have a kid, time speeds by!

  18. Happy 25th Birthday to a very special woman and mom. Hope you felt appreciated in every way! Love stalking your blog for cute H pics. He always has the best expressions and he makes some pretty cool videos.

  19. Happy, happy Birthday from hee, too!
    You really made it to a great Mom/Family!

  20. happy birthday, beautiful lady! i'm sincerely glad to have found you, and i only wish we lived close enough to grab coffee and watch our babes play together. your blog has brought many smiles to my face and gasps of awe at the cuteness of your family. thanks for being you! i hope this year is even better than the last.



  21. Happy Birthday! Your baby boy is gorgeous!

    I know what you mean how plans don't always work out....but then we're glad they didn't cos we got something better.

  22. happy birthday, pretty!! im sorry im late... i hope it was great. love you!!

  23. Again, so late on these comment responses. Somehow these managed to slip my mind. Wanted to thank all of you for such sweet happy birthday wishes!
