Friday, June 25, 2010

The Real Price of Labor

Okay. I'm sorry but usually when something doesn't work you aren't expected to pay for it, am I right? This Anesthesiologist actually told me that he had to administer the epidural quickly because he had another surgery to get to and he was in a hurry. He told me there was no time for crying about it, that it wouldn't make it any easier. Well he ended up doing it wrong and for the rest of my labor the pain remained unbearable. Now my back is all f-ed up and I'm totally scared to ever have another kid. Sounds to me like I deserve a refund.

Um excuse me, can I return this broken epidural please? And no, I don't want "store credit".


  1. :( no good, i totally know what a non working epidural feels like though. eek.

    i couldn't believe when the statement came for my whole labor and delivery. i think i need a new profession!

  2. Jess: I know! They probably shouldn't put, "Any questions or problems call (912)-...

    Melissa: That's exactly what I thought too! It would be nice to have a job where you could be a total jerk to people and still make bank! It would never matter if you were having a "bad day" :)

  3. yeah, i'm not entirely sure why i had to pay my doctor $2,000 to fucking sit there and do nothing. i practically delivered our baby myself. let it out, girl.

  4. Jamie: Also agree! At least because I had an emergency c-section I felt a little better about paying my doctor. But then again, i'm pretty sure I wouldn't have had to have a c-section if they hadn't given me an unnecessarily amount of pitocin.

  5. eeeek! epidurals are more scary to me than was having corbin naturally!
    i hate what bitches doctors and anesthesiologists can be to women giving birth!

  6. Can I get an amen?
    Because I had the same thing happen!
    4 attempts, a failed epidural, much pain, and a scarred back, and I guess I might as well go natural for the next.

    and they totally still bill you?


  7. Man. That sounds lame. Sounds like he was pretty rude. And, he was hurrying. That's not what you need when someone is doing something delicate to your back while you're about to have a baby!

    I don't know if I should even get started about my bills for the birth. We'll just say my pregnancy was a "pre-existing" condition and then I had an emergency... and our hospital is about $50 - 60,000... Boo! We'll get a discount... But, seriously?

  8. mine didnt work either !!!! i actually had a bad reaction to it and had to have an adrenaline shot to reverse the effects , felt the entire labor , delivery and 26 stiches . but im glad i did , that bill is nutts , in missouri the second you find out you are pregnant you are covered by the state , my child cost my nothing but pain to be brought into this world . that bill is a bummer sorry !!

  9. Jill: Yes! A lot of the nurses I had during my labor were just awful! Very short and mean, I was really surprised.

    Chelsey: That sounds stressful! I'm definitely feeling you on that one,this is only one of many bills and more keep popping up every week!

    Courtney: Four failed attempts! That's so awful! No one took me very seriously when I told them mine wasn't working so they didn't try to redo it. Instead they just pumped a load of morphine through it without telling me!

    Kat: That's so great that the state is covering that! Our insurance will hopefully cover some of this, but still! that's a lot of money!! I wonder if failed epidurals are really common...

    Paige: me tooo! let's prank call them together! ;)

  10. GAH! We should be chatting on the phone for funsies before they ever grace our presence.

  11. Ummmm, agree! I stink at phone calls though! Sooooooon :)

  12. This story made me IRATE! What a horrible-horrible thing to have to happen during your pregnancy!

  13. my epidural actually had a small leak in it causing this KILLER headache. so the anesthesiologist actually had to come back the day after and perform a blood patch. not fun. and of course we had to pay for that too.

    but wasn't it their fault that it leaked in the first place?

