Sunday, June 20, 2010


badge 002 by you.

Could you all please do me a huge favor? The Top Baby Blogs site just reset their info and I had to register It's a Wonderful Life all over again! We would love it if you could take a few seconds to vote for us. Just click the brown button below and then click the brown screen that pops up.

I have met so many wonderful people through this site, the higher ranked we are the more people find this blog. A lot of the blogs I have posted to the right are also registered with TBB so if you are visiting them and see a vote button, make sure you click for them too...they all deserve your votes much more than I do.

Here's the button, thanks for voting!

Help Our Rank & Visit Top Baby Blogs, Baby Blog Directory!


  1. I voted as well..

    Love the picture, he is too cute..


  2. okay, but only because that picture of henry is so cute! haha, jk! i already voted for you yesterday when i saw it reset...and today too! :)

  3. Thank you all for your votes! Because of you we are on the first page for a bit. It's so exciting!
