Tuesday, June 15, 2010

henry month 4-5 024 by you.

Henry, those sticky fingers of yours sure are attracted to my hair lately. At the rate you're going I'll be bald by the time I'm thirty!


  1. Awe!! So cute!! Let's trade buttons! If you check my blog you will find yours on the right hand side. :)



  2. Ha ha, you are so cute! I love your baby posts. :)

  3. Right there with you! Haha!

    So your baby looks so much like our baby it is weird. I had to show my husband your blog and he was totally freaked out. Some pictures more than other. I will post some on my blog soon!

  4. You are so cute it hurts. More than sticky fingers in your hair.

  5. i am such an idiot. i almost could sleep because i realized that i didn't read your blog correctly and thus my comment makes zero sense. for some reason i read it as you saying that henry would be bald? i don't know. it was late and i was tired. i'm sorry.

  6. Thanks Jazmyn and Bonnie :)

    Babyonesiesandrompers: Thanks for adding y button! I currently do not list buttons on my page but recently I have been thinking of adding them. If and when I do, I will add yours for sure!

    Posh: Can't wait to see what you're talking about!! Headed over to your blog now!!

    Paige: 100 Followers!!! I'm so excited :)

    Jess: I've totally done that before! And then I'm worried sick over it, ha ha. I knew what you were trying to say, but didn't post that one if that helps you feel any better!!

  7. Yea... I think I'll be bald by the time I'm 27 with Ruari. Very funny photo!

  8. Thanks! It's crazy how good they are at grasping so many hairs!

  9. i just stopped wearing my hair down. :(

  10. be grateful you don't wear glasses.

  11. Jill: I think I may have to stop wearing jewelry now too! Ha ha.

    Lovie's Mommma: Oh god, I can only imagine!

  12. It doesn't stop now!

    Aidyn is crazy, and always gets my hair/clothes/everything dirty!

    The other day I kept smelling catchup! After a few hours I realized he wiped his catchup hands in my hair!

  13. ha ha allie, you are too funny! this picture is priceless :D
