Tuesday, June 8, 2010

And With A High Pitched Voice, Too!

saturday 038 by you.

This is the sweet baby face that has me referring to myself in third person and saying things like "Baby Hen-weee" and "Oooooh, you wanna weed a book?"


  1. such a cute little man!
    i'd probably start speaking the baby language if i was around him, too.

  2. hahaha aww! he is absolutely adorable :)

  3. I just read his birth story in one of your tabs and would just like to tell you how amazing it is. You and Henry are both so cute, and I love your blog.

  4. Thanks everyone! I always told myself I wouldn't be one to talk all cheesy baby-like but it just happens. Sometimes I'll be in public and start talking about poop in a high pitched voice (sounds something like, "Oooooh, did baby Henwee do a poopy?") and then I catch myself and realize how ridiculous I must sound.

    Lauren: You are so sweet! Thanks for following/commenting. Funny thing is, I just found your blog a few days ago (I think through Paige?) and have enjoyed reading your posts as well. I really hope you get this comment reply!

  5. Ohh my god that is such a cute face!! I swear, he's gotten cuter and cuter throughout the past weeks!

  6. I'm sure it was through Paige. She was the one who directed me to your blog, and not to mention convinced me to make a blog in the first place.

    You are so sweet and creative! Those booties that you made for Evangeline are adorable! I just think you are so wonderful!

  7. Oh my goodness this little one wins the baby award for the year! So adorable =)

  8. I LOVE HIM!! For reals.
    And since we BOTH live in Chicago (apparently!!), I want him to be my son in law one day. ;)

  9. Thanks Dori! He was sooo young when I first found you and your blog. Crazy, isn't it??

    Lauren: Do you know Paige personally or through blogging? Either way isn't she just wonderful? So nice to meet you!

    Bri and Iris: Thanks for making me smile and feel like a proud momma with your sweet comments!

    Lovie's Mom: Awww, Henry and Lovie sitting in a tree...<3. We actually live in GA now, just moved here a year ago. They might have to have a long distance relationship for a bit (although we wouldn't mind coming back to Chicago some day. Such a great city!!) Haha.

  10. ahahahaha! he has the cutest little face! i told ryan's mom "bwess you" the other day when she sneezed!

  11. I know Paige personally, she's one of my best friends. She is wonderful, and she's even better in person!

  12. Jill: I've done almost the same thing too. Kind of embarrassing but sooo funny!

    Lauren: Some day I will meet Paige and I know I won't be disappointed. You are lucky to have such a sweet best friend!
