Sunday, May 30, 2010

Thanks for the Tags!

I was tagged by Paige to participate in this wonderful project started by Dori the Giant. Please take the time to click for Haiti. It just takes a second I swear! Click here to help.

I was also tagged by my awesome mommy blog-friend Bonnie to answer the following questions. Thanks for the tag, here it goes!

What's the one thing that you still do that is childlike?
I still make wishes on shooting stars, dandelions, 11:11, etc.

What is one of the most embarrassing moments of your life?
When I was little, I left our friend's apartment for something and when I headed back I walked into the wrong house! I didn't realize I was in the wrong place until I saw a man sitting on a sofa, watching TV in his underwear.

If you could take an all expenses paid vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I know this might sound boring to most, but I'd travel back home to WA state with my husband and Henry and we'd use the remaining money to live closer to our parents.

What's your favorite thing to do to relax?
I love taking a super hot bath and drinking wine with a good book and music playing.

What is the most spontaneous thing you've ever done? And did you regret doing it?
I don't really want to talk about that! I regret parts of it but then again, everything happens for a reason.

What is your favorite genre of music?
I love old folk music, 50s/60s pop, and newer indie bands. Anything with a catchy melody and great lyrics is okay with me though!

What is your favorite movie of all-time?
Hmmm, it's a four way tie between I Am Sam, The Wedding Singer, The Royal Tenenbaums, and Requiem for a Dream.

If you had the chance to meet anyone (dead or alive), who would it be?
I'd really like to meet John Steinbeck.


  1. those 4 movies are so completely different from each other!

  2. I know, I was thinking the same thing! One for every possible mood I could ever be in I guess :)

  3. Woww you totally mentioned me!
    Thank youuuuu. <3

    And you and I are definitely so different based on these answers, haha..

    But I do love the movie I Am Sam. It makes me cry every time.

  4. Of course I mentioned you Dori! I want every one of my readers to visit your blog. It's just that good and this new project idea of yours is wonderful.

    Now I'm curious about your answers to these questions. I cry every time I watch I Am Sam we at least have one thing in common, right? ;)

  5. When the *bleep* did you walk into the wrong apartment where a guy was sitting in his undies??!!!!YIKES! And to think that I was a much more cautious parent with you, and still something like that happened! (unless, of course, this was when you were a young, impressionable college student!)
    I'm glad that I don't know about all of your spontaneous experiences

  6. When the *bleep* did you walk into the wrong apartment where a guy was sitting in his undies??!!!!YIKES! And to think that I was a much more cautious parent with you, and still something like that happened! (unless, of course, this was when you were a young, impressionable college student!)
    I'm glad that I don't know about all of your spontaneous experiences

  7. Sometimes it's just fun to learn some silly things about you guys. :)

    I love all those movies, except I am Sam due to the fact that I've never seen it..

    and taking a bath whilst drinking wine and reading a good book just sounds so amazing. I never really get the chance to do that.

    Thanks for answering my questions! :)

  8. WE ARE SO SIMILAR! And I have a question for you, love. I'll email you but check it when you get the chance:)
