Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Taste of Awful

Something really horrible has happened next door, you guys. A few months ago I wrote about our next door neighbors and how their house had been broken into two times within a three month time frame. Not long after that it was broken into again. We don't live in the best neighborhood, but it's definitely not the worse by any means. I've never felt scared about loading the car for work at night or sitting on the porch with G when the weather is nice.

Last night after work, I was blowing raspberries and reading books with Henry when I noticed three cop cars parked outside our house. I stepped onto the porch and found four cops standing around the front door of our neighbor's house. I asked them if everything was alright and they told me things were "just fine" and I mentioned the break-ins. One of them came over and asked me about the tenants and prior burglaries.

I told her that because of all the break-ins, the couple renting the place had broken their lease just two weeks ago and a new girl had moved in. We hadn't met her but had been told she was 24 years old and was moving here alone from Atlanta. The cop took my information, thanked me, and then left.

A half hour later, a forensics van pulls up and they head into the house with green gloves and swab sticks. An hour later they're taking pictures of the entire house, digging through the trash outside, and rummaging through her mail/car.

As I peeked through the blinds from H's dark room, a big black van drives up and they pull out of the back a body bag on a stretcher. What the hell?!

The scariest part is that we still don't know what happened. All we know is that the girl next door is dead. The whole thing has been harder for me to deal with tonight than it was last night.

Since H was born, things like this are more difficult for me to deal with. I think having a baby makes you realize just how precious life is and how lucky we are to be alive. Even if you don't want to, every horrible situation makes you automatically think "What if that was my baby?" and then you feel so sick to your stomach even slightly imagining such. I can't even watch movies the same way I used to. Every show involving kidnapping, murders, or any kind of dangerous situation really puts me on edge now.

As cheesy as it sounds, life really is so short. Enjoy every moment of it.


  1. I saw this in your status and was scared for you guys! Oh my goodness, I can't even believe that. How can you find out more? I mean, as the next door neighbors, it's your right to know!

  2. Oh wow, I'd be freaking out! Poor girl...
    But I guess it doesn't really matter where you live, that could happen almost anywhere sadly. :(

  3. I know exactly what you mean about having a baby changing your entire perspective on life.

    I can't read or hear about news stories like that (especially ones having to do with children or babies).. they just make me sick to my stomach. I don't know if you heard about Ethan Stacy and what happened to him here in Utah but I've been sick about it for a week.

    I think the same thing 'what if that was my baby'.. it's just so sad.

    That is very sad and would be hard for me to deal with too. :(


  4. oh em gee! I would be terrified! Be careful honey!

  5. I'm going to try and call tomorrow and hopefully get the full reporton Saturday...

  6. Oh my god.
    I'm sure you'll find out more in the news right?

    That's horrible though. Do you think the girl knew that the past neighbours had break-ins? I think she should have been told, right?

  7. keep us updated on what happened to her. hopefully is wasnt anything too terrible [like maybe a drug od or something!] and you can breathe easy in your little neighborhood. i would be scared too though!
    we have been having wind storms around here and a tree even fell on a house on our road, now everytime the wind blows i FREAK OUT that one will fall on our house and hurt corbin and i. before corbin, i wouldnt have even worried about it!

  8. I saw someone in our old apartment complex (we just moved) about a month ago get rolled out on one of those gourneys with the bag over her. We think she did drugs though. It's horrible. But your neighbors sounds way worse. Young and probably attacked?! That's so sad. Let us know if you ever find out what happpened. We never did.

  9. Oh man, that's so sad.
    i agree, life is short and precious and we should enjoying to the maximum and squeeze all the juice out of it!

  10. oh my goodness, so scary, mama. i completely agree with you too - life is so precious. i haven't been able to watch movies the same since kiddies either. i can't even watch the news.

    when my hubs and i first got married, we lived in a horrible neighborhood and actually witnessed shootings right in front of our house. it's terrifying stuff. thinking of you!

  11. oh lady, that's SO awful! i really do know how you feel - two months ago news crews pulled up to our driveway, because our neighbor had run his wife off the road in a car, and shot at her. he's currently in jail for attempted murder, and she's recovering with a broken back, and trying to take care of her FOUR kids. so incredibly sad - and i've definitely been much more sensitive about it since i'm a mama now.

    these things definitely make me hug my girl extra hard, and promise to protect her from such ugliness (as i'm sure you can relate to.) many hugs to you guys! xoxo.

  12. I can totally understand how you feel! It happens to me as well... I can't watch any terrible news without thinking about my family, all three of us. Sometimes I feel like it oppresses my heart.

  13. eeeek!! i know this is a super old post, but did you ever find out what happened?!
