Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hey Megan!

three months 106 by you.

My little sister Megan is here! I missed this girl like crazy and couldn't wait until we picked her up from the airport. We've been having tons of fun catching up, eating good (junk) food, and playing with Baby H. I knew he'd love her but really had no idea just how much. This kid has been the most well behaved, flirtiest little boy I've ever seen him be. He handled the two hour drive to Jacksonville like a baby champ and even took a bit of a bottle (that's like, a huge deal).

Megan has some pretty crazy stories all the way from Africa and I've really enjoyed picking her brain. Tomorrow she's going to show us some pictures, but for now she's passed out in her room. Can you imagine the jet lag she must be dealing with right now? Yuck.

Having family around again has made me realize that I'm super homesick for Washington. Megan, if I could keep you here until we are finally able to move back I would. I love having you around!

Here's to the ultimate week!!

Also: Someone from a blog titled, I Love You Already, Baby left me the sweetest comment last night. I hit "publish" before noticing which post it was written for. I would really like to check out your blog (I'm excited that you are a nanny as well!) and thank you for such lovely compliments. If you read this, will you please let me know who you are again? Thanks!


  1. such a cute picture! and so glad they are hitting it off. ;)

    have the best week ever, ma!

  2. Ahhhh so darn cute.
    I hate publishing comments and forgetting what post they were on! Haha.

  3. So glad they are hitting it off! Enjoy this time with your sister! How special and exciting!

    She is a total doll!

  4. They look so cute! Actually, baby H looks the cutest with his kissable chubbo cheeks that need some G'ma kisses on them!!

  5. Megan is such a babe and Henry is such an adorable baby. Love them both. I can't wait to see you!
