Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hating Goodbyes...

megan's visit May 10 144 by you.

Saying goodbye to my sister tomorrow is going to be very hard. Sharing our new life with her has been so much fun and I have really enjoyed watching Henry study her every move. Megan experienced so many Henry milestones this week and he's even gotten better at smiling and talking since she's been around.

Since Henry has been born we've gotten to say "Hello" to many wonderful people, but with those hellos come the dreaded goodbyes. I hate, hate, hate goodbyes. Dropping family off at the airport is one of my least favorite things ever.

Wow. We're really going to miss having you here Meggie Moo. What a memorable week it has been.


  1. I know its tough, but remember all the fun times you have. It makes it, OHHH so worth it! But I loath goodbyes. I'm already dreading saying goodbye to my friends and family in FL and we havent even visited yet! lol!

  2. I hate good-bye, too. But ohhh, how cute is to come here from (also newly found) Brittany to find you have a little lion there?
    Wonder if our township-leader ever looked half as cute!

  3. That totally stinks....I feel ya cause my fam lives 3000 miles away and my sister and I talk everyday.....I miss! It's sad but at least you got the memories and photos:) I keep saying one day soon we'll live right next door!:)

  4. Allie I had such a great time with you and Henry last week! Thanks so much for your patience as I was re-adjusting back to American life. I hope I can be as good of a mom one day as I saw you with Henry. I loovee you and already miss you guys! Kiss Henry for me :)
