Saturday, April 10, 2010

We Love Saturdays!

Oh my, what a fun and busy day we had today! We all headed downtown and had a nice lunch together and then went shopping. Henry is getting awesome at dining out and usually let's us eat worry free. It's crazy to me that just a month ago, taking him to a restaurant was a HUGE deal and I spent the majority of our meal thinking, "Oh crap, what if he starts freaking out??!!" So much changes in such little time when it comes to babies...

I found some awesome sunglasses for ol' Hank and he looks ridiculously adorable in them. I've been looking for a pair for some time now, mostly because I'm super picky and really can't justify spending more than nine dollars on a pair of glasses for a baby.

Our friend Neil came over in the evening and we grilled catfish and steak on our BBQ. We learned that Neil just put in his two weeks notice at work and he and Larissa will be headed back to Oregon soon. They are really the only people we've spent a good amount of time with here, so it will be hard to see them leave.

Henry fits into his first three month old outfit now!! I found him the cutest pair of overalls a while ago and couldn't even picture him being so BIG when I snatched them up (for only $6.00!!!) Oh wow.

Here's some pictures from our wonderful day. Just look how lovely the weather is getting here!

12 weeks 071 by you.

12 weeks 072 by you.

12 weeks 073 by you.

12 weeks 082 by you.

12 weeks 085 by you.

12 weeks 086 by you.

12 weeks 096 by you.

12 weeks 094 by you.

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  1. Those pictures are adorable. Ahh.. those huge blue eyes! ♥

  2. you have a cute kid! it's hard for me to figure out who he looks like though. i'm leaning towards your husband... i think it's the eyes. you have a really cool looking neighborhood too.

  3. Thank you, Jess! You do too!

    I can't figure it out completely either! I do think he looks more like his dad, it's the head shape and they eyes I'm pretty sure...

  4. Holy stinkin cute!!!!

    Bibs are my favorite things EVER on little boys.

    My son is uuber spoiled. (if you can't tell) Its slightly rediculous how much his father and I spend on his wardrobe!

    I should thrift out some of his clothes on my blog. They are SUPER cute! I should have an online garage sale! :) Whatya think? lol

  5. An on-line garage sale is a really great idea! I'd come for sure :) The only possible problem would be how much you'd have to add for shipping, not to mention having to take the time out of your busy schedule to run to the post office...

    I love buying H clothes! Although, girl clothes are much more fun and more original...:(

  6. Aw, love the picture of Henry and G!

    Where'd you find the sunglasses, if you dont mind me asking?? I'm on the looking for a pair for Jude. Also, a sun hat. My incredibly pale baby will roast in the sun otherwise.

  7. Thanks! We found his glasses at Crazy 8. I just visited their on-line store and HOLY SUNGLASSES! There are soooo many more to choose from. Wish I would have known that, before buying the one's I did. I think my next purchase will be the white or green squared shades....Love them!

  8. You're right. I should just give them away in a give away. His baby clothes are in perfect condition... I think half the stuff might still have tags on it.

  9. That's a great idea! We will have so many unused clothes as well...they just grow so fast! I've been thinking about doing a giveaway soon too...they are so much fun!

  10. Those sunglasses are incredible! I am totally going to check out Crazy 8 now!

  11. I was SO EXCITED when I found them! Now that I've been online, I think I'll need to buy at least two other pairs...!

  12. These are so cute!! I love his little sunglasses and his little outfit as well. I am so jealous of your outfits!! It's still pretty cold here in Toronto :(

  13. Thanks Andrea! We have been so lucky to have such nice weather down here! Just in time for H to wear the last of his newborn clothes, before he gets too big (so close!)

    When does Toronto start warming up?

  14. Lady, you look just amazing! Seriously SO tiny! What a delicious little mama you are! :D oh, and that last photo of Henry made my heart go aflutter. Your family is so darling I can hardly stand it. I wish I lived close enough to force you to hang out with me - we could drink iced tea in the park and watch Poppy and Henry fall in love!!

  15. Emily, you are so sweet. Thank you for your lovely comment, it made my day! The next time we're in WA I'll have to look you up. I think (hope?) we're visiting in the winter sometime. So many people from our family still have to meet Henry, so we've GOT to make a trip out there soon!
