Thursday, April 1, 2010

Top Chef Review

Critics are calling Chef Henry, "Wacky and off the wall, truly an unprofessional in the kitchen".

Chef Stevens of Eating Well magazine says, "Chef Henry treats cooking like it's all some sort of joke. He's too busy focusing on making everyone laugh and doesn't focus enough on the tasks at hand. I swear if I had to hear his, 'Why were the eggs scared?' joke one more time I'd throw the eggplant parmesan at his head."

Chef Henry tells EW magazine, "People need to lighten up, already. They read 'flour' in a recipe...I read 'fun'. You tell me which one's more exciting. I like to flavor my dishes with a cup of laughs and a sprinkle of jokes. It keeps my staff lighthearted and happy...and everyone knows that a happy staff equals a happy kitchen."

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  1. Haha.. OH MY GOODNESS! These are the best pictures in the world!! Wow.. I completely melted.

  2. Hahahah! What?! This is so dute!

  3. oh my goodness! adorable. i love the cupcake liner chef's hat!

  4. I love this post!!! I missed you guys SO much! I really did. I am having a catching-up session on your blog and, as always, I smile in every post. Your little H is gettign cuter by the second. I'm glad to be reading your blog again :)

  5. You are so sweet. We missed you guys so, so much. I kept thinking during the day, "Oh yeah...I should see if Andrea's posted" and then I'd remember you were in Poland :(

    So glad you are back! I'm excited for more Bresho!!
