Saturday, April 17, 2010

Thanks For Nothing, EB.

WTF. Am I the only mom who didn't make an Easter basket for their new baby this year? Wow, what a lame Easter Bunny I make!


  1. don't sweat it. i didn't either. my mother in law was really disgusted by me too. i'm sorry, i'm not going to give my 6 month old a basket when he'd rather just play with the cord to the playstation remote.

  2. AND they won't even remember the things you got them :)

  3. Haha! I love the title of this! I know some moms who don't even celebrate their babies first birthdays and some who have a small party for every 3 month bday. It's really a matter of what you think is right--personally I fall somewhere in between those two extremes though I probably wouldn't make my baby an easter basket either.

  4. I really want to have a big (ish) party for Henry's first, but that's really just for me and G I think...;) An excuse to plan a kid's party and get together with our friends (and hopefully family, by then!) As for the holidays leading up to that? Eh.

  5. I agree first birthdays are TONS of fun and when your kids get older they will LOVE looking at the pictures of themselves with cake on their faces, etc., etc.. Tons of fun:)

  6. Hi,
    I thought that was funny.
    I did not give my little one anything ether.
    I am sure they will not remember it though.:)

  7. Hi Joy! Here's hoping they don't remember, ha ha. Someday though, he'll find my blog and be like, "HEY! Wait a minute Mom. Really?!"

  8. Oh, pleeeeeease. Do you remember your first Easter? B-day? St. Pattys? I'm very proud of you that you didn't get sucked into the commercialism of our materialistic society!!!!There will be plenty of time for that later.

    So put off that pressure-filled, sweaty hand, glazed-eye moment in the narrow, screaming-brat crowded isles that are simply filled with crap at WalMart and shout with joy over your freedom from materialism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And when he's old enough to care, give him the basket that you would have put all of that crap in....he will enjoy it more than the junk!!!


  9. ha ha..

    I threw mine away.. I'm the bad mother over here! Lol SO SICK OF EASTER CANDY! lol

    Love his onesie! I bought an anchor pendent on ebay last night! :)

  10. Thanks Brittany! It was so easy and tons of fun to make!

  11. I didn't do anything for any of the kids on their first Easters. Hudson got a basket this year and could care less. I am gonna wait with the twins till they are 2.

  12. That's funny that Hudson could of cared less...I think we'll be waiting as long as we possibly can before grabbing H some basket items!
