Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My Little Sister

meg and allie by you.

My sister Megan is coming to stay with us for a week! She has been in Uganda for the past four months (you can read her blog here!!) and will be flying in early May. It has been over a year since I last saw Megan and I'm definitely looking forward to spending time with my little sis. May 6th really can't come soon enough....


  1. Oh how fun!! But your picture isn't working!

  2. I bet you are excited for her to meet your son too!

    Have fun! How cool!

  3. SO excited for her to meet Henry! Paige, thanks for the heads up...I'm going to try and fix it now. Stupid FLickr!

  4. Oh sooo cute! Her blog is awesome btw!

  5. Is the picture is working now? (Hope so!)Glad you checked out her blog!

  6. Yes, that's what I meant was cute. Love it!
